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Examining Teaching of JW's > What are signs of a covert narcissist?

Wende Berry
Abuse Survivor & Straight Spouse (2007–present)Updated July 12

What are signs of a covert narcissist?

Originally Answered: What are the most telltale signs of a covert narcissist?
They want pity, not sympathy, for the terrible wrongs they pretend were done to them by terrible exes and anyone else who may reveal their true self. They feel entitled to anything you have that they lack. They will try to make their lack your responsibility, and will resort to any emotional manipulation to obtain what they want.

They’ll move fast, demanding immediate exclusivity, pressuring for commitment and marriage within weeks. You’re declared their soul mate/love of their life. They may say they knew you were “the one” as soon as they saw you. They will become a perfect mirror of all your best traits, and play the part of the nicest person ever, until you’re trapped.

They’ll move into your house, and resort to tears if you disagree. They are supremely entitled, and use FOG- fear, obligation, and guilt- to manipulate you into compliance.

July 26, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk