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Examining Teaching of JW's > What happens when you stop reacting to a narcissist’s silent treatment?

Wain Hesly
Survivor of NPD relationship & smear campaignJuly 6, 2018

What happens when you stop reacting to a narcissist’s silent treatment?

The silent treatment is a night abusive tactic and a go to tool for the narcissist.

When you stop reacting to it then the whole plan is flawed, they will pull something out the bag to get your attention. More than likely a hoover, a hoover and ghost are very common among narcissists.

They will hoover you just to make sure that you still have an interest after the nonresction to the silent treatment. They will hoover and when you react they know they still have you on the hook they will then ghost you for a while. Again if you fail to respond to the silent treatment they will once again come back and hoover. The timings of the hoover will follow a pattern, it may not be noticed at first but if you keep a record of when they hoover you will see a pattern emerge. The pattern form because the narcissist keeps coming back and testing the water, making sure you’re still available for fuel and manipulation.

Never respond or react to anything from a narcissist remeber everything they do and say is designed to get a reaction

July 30, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk