Profile photo for Candy Kitty Candy Kitty 30 Years of Low External ValueJuly 3
Why is everyone so scared of narcissists?
When you fall in love with a narcissist you usually aren't aware of it at first. By the time you realize the one you love is a narcissist, there is a strong attachment and commitment. It is terrifying to love someone who will destroy your life or hurt you without any guilt. To love a narcissist means you have to accept some deep-rooted issues within yourself all while you attempt to get out of the situation with as little damage to your sense of self-worth as possible.
If you realize your parent, family member, or friend is a narcissist, you have to protect yourself from being used. You have to train yourself to not let your guard down or trust them because as soon as you do you end up manipulated or used. You have to accept that person(s) that “should” support, care, and respect you see you as nothing more than something to use. Your world was never really as safe as you thought. It is scary to be around a person that knows your life, and is more than capable of ruining your life or disrespecting you without any signs of guilt/remorse.
At work or some random person, at any moment if a narcissist targets you, your life as you once known it has the possibility of being entangled in theirs, and you will end up objectified sometimes before it is too late. Sometimes, it is nice to be objectified, if treated well and validated by a narcissist. To be validated and highly valued by a narcissist has a tendency to feel like love, acceptance and belonging, especially in a workplace where acceptance is linked to your paycheck which is linked to your survival or luxurious lifestyle.
The scary part about a narcissist is their ability to discard you without any remorse or guilt. Narcissists have this wonderful, special ability of being loved without really loving in return, causing pain and distress yet still believing they're better than the ones they caused pain and distress upon, and justifying their narcissistic behavior so they will never stop doing what is in their best interest no matter the cost to others that get in their way.
Self-righteous, self-absorbed users that justify the pain that cause others in order to continue to act in their own self-interst is absolutely terrifying.
Why are you not scared of narcissists? One narcissist can do damage. A group of narcissists become head of corporations, lawyers, law enforcement, racists terrorist hate groups, and other forms of superior, self-righteous acts that lead to pain, destruction and death of human lives on a larger scale.
Be very afraid. You probably have a few narcissists in your life right now. They just haven't targeted you yet.
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Profile photo for Candy Kitty
Candy Kitty
30 Years of Low External ValueJuly 3
Why is everyone so scared of narcissists?
When you fall in love with a narcissist you usually aren't aware of it at first. By the time you realize the one you love is a narcissist, there is a strong attachment and commitment. It is terrifying to love someone who will destroy your life or hurt you without any guilt. To love a narcissist means you have to accept some deep-rooted issues within yourself all while you attempt to get out of the situation with as little damage to your sense of self-worth as possible.
If you realize your parent, family member, or friend is a narcissist, you have to protect yourself from being used. You have to train yourself to not let your guard down or trust them because as soon as you do you end up manipulated or used. You have to accept that person(s) that “should” support, care, and respect you see you as nothing more than something to use. Your world was never really as safe as you thought. It is scary to be around a person that knows your life, and is more than capable of ruining your life or disrespecting you without any signs of guilt/remorse.
At work or some random person, at any moment if a narcissist targets you, your life as you once known it has the possibility of being entangled in theirs, and you will end up objectified sometimes before it is too late. Sometimes, it is nice to be objectified, if treated well and validated by a narcissist. To be validated and highly valued by a narcissist has a tendency to feel like love, acceptance and belonging, especially in a workplace where acceptance is linked to your paycheck which is linked to your survival or luxurious lifestyle.
The scary part about a narcissist is their ability to discard you without any remorse or guilt. Narcissists have this wonderful, special ability of being loved without really loving in return, causing pain and distress yet still believing they're better than the ones they caused pain and distress upon, and justifying their narcissistic behavior so they will never stop doing what is in their best interest no matter the cost to others that get in their way.
Self-righteous, self-absorbed users that justify the pain that cause others in order to continue to act in their own self-interst is absolutely terrifying.
Why are you not scared of narcissists? One narcissist can do damage. A group of narcissists become head of corporations, lawyers, law enforcement, racists terrorist hate groups, and other forms of superior, self-righteous acts that lead to pain, destruction and death of human lives on a larger scale.
Be very afraid. You probably have a few narcissists in your life right now. They just haven't targeted you yet.