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Examining Teaching of JW's > What are ​the signs that a narcissist has finished with the victim permanently? I think I'm at that

Liam Mordecai
Automotive/Product Designer, Music Producer, Jack of all.1y

What are the signs that a narcissist has finished with the victim permanently? I think I'm at that

stage now, but I can't understand.

There are no signs.

No more texts.

No more phone calls.

No visits.

You won't hear a single peep from them.

That's the sign.

Then you'll be left feeling confused and used. It's better not to get involved with anybody who has high narcisstic traits because you'll become one of three things:

A bank - constantly lending under the guise of helping a friend.

A favour man - doing endless favours that only benefit the narcissist. They expect these favours, and most are incapable of appreciating them.

A pawn - to be used in order to manipulate others or to be manipulated for personal gain.

October 11, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk