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Examining Teaching of JW's > How do narcissists act with their phones?

Vanessa Ramos
NPD Therapists and Coaches at Narcissistic Personality DisorderSep 18
How do narcissists act with their phones?
Narcissists are extremely phone-dependent. They use their phones to stay connected to the outside world and to feel important. They often have a hard time putting their phone down and may become irritated if you try to take it away from them. They also tend to check their phone excessively, even when there's nothing new happening. This can be really frustrating for their loved ones, who can feel like they're always being ignored.

Narcissists also tend to use their phones as a way to control others. For example, they might withhold information or Texts as a way of manipulation. Or they might constantly call or text people in an effort to get attention and admiration.

October 5, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk