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Examining Teaching of JW's > There are 3 simple reasons that it is hard to win an argument with a Narcissist:

Profile photo for Elinor Greenberg
Elinor Greenberg
Psychologist, Author, Lecturer, and Consultant on Narcissistic Disorders2y
Why can't you argue with a narcissist and ever win?
The Short Answer: There are 3 simple reasons that it is hard to win an argument with a Narcissist:

They are more interested in winning than in the truth.
They shift the blame for everything that goes wrong to you in order to avoid feeling bad about themselves.
They do not really care about you very much, so they have very little incentive to back down.
Punchline: It is pointless to argue with most people with NPD because they usually care more about winning than resolving your differences or telling the truth.


Elinor Greenberg, PhD, CGP

October 19, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk