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Examining Teaching of JW's > Believing a lie perverts the mind but it does not end there it grows like a cancer spreading into our entire life. At some point there is no coming back from mental disease.

Believing a lie perverts the mind but it does not end there it grows like a cancer spreading into our entire life. At some point there is no coming back from mental disease.

It is decisions, thoughts, actions that builds the inward person. You see, if we were not created and we evolved like a beast of the field it would not matter.

But it does matter and that is why people who deliberately believe the lie have such metal problems, like narcissism, we have a handbook bigger than the bible of mental disorders, we are a nation of untreated mental patients and only the worst among us are institutionalized.

No one gets away with evil, it not blessed it is cursed with untold sickness and problems self-inflicted. Speak truth each one with his neighbor.

October 22, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk