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Examining Teaching of JW's > Accurate Knowledge and "In the Truth" The Lie of JW's!

The phrase "in Christ" (in its Greek form "en Christo") appears approximately over 200 times in the New Testament, with the majority of occurrences found in the letters of Paul, particularly in Ephesians where it is used very frequently.

Strange that JW’s think they are “in the truth” by being “in the WTB tract society”. Than they boast in Accurate Knowledge as though its a god. If a person is not In Christ they certainly can’t boast in Accurate Knowledge, that is, impossible, because there is only one true prophet that all truth is dispensed through for God’s children, not the GB but Christ Jesus (Heb Chapter one) one faith, one body one Spirit, one Truth all in the one God approved prophet Christ Jesus, the only faithful servant pronounce by God we can trust, think about it!

The Hebrew writing don’t every use the idea of being in Christ, one cannot be “in the law”.
One cannot be “in the Law” because its not written into a person heart it must be inculcated into an uncircumcised heart by repeating it over and over again.

Its the Spirit that circumcise the heart and teaches the new covenant, not any human on earth! JW’s are under the law of the GB inculcating their ungodly rules by brain washing tactics who they repeat in mote, like parrots, they are “in the Truth” where instead its the Holy Spirit that is the teacher of truth and Spirit for God’s people promised by Christ Jesus; whom the prophets taught would happen when Christ became reality two thousands years ago.

When you spend every waking minute trying to prove your the only true religion you miss the point that true worship has already been established in heaven and has been revealed to us from above for two-thousand years to God people who are no part of this world instead of the lie of all organized religion who wants to make earthly man made organization a part of Christ Jesus Kingdom.

Heb.12:27 This phrase, "Yet once more," signifies the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain. 12:28 Therefore, receiving a Kingdom that can't be shaken, let us have grace, through which we serve God acceptably, with reverence and awe,

God’s children long ago and today have received Christ Jesus Kingdom, because they are “in Christ” go figure!

As they say don’t confuse me with facts I have my parrot mine made up!

January 8, 2025 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk