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Examining Teaching of JW's > THE MIND-SET OF JW's PART II


The mind-set of JW’s; means they are not going to change! So this is not posted for them. JW’s believe they are God’s chosen channel their GB is the only source that the Holy Spirit works through on earth, everyone else, that is religion, people, nations, whatever else are all wrong and from the devil which is the “world” an enemy of Christ Jesus, God YHWH, Jehovah, and their organization.

Subsequently, anything posted is an attack against them and God that is why they post violent replies and disable comments, purge their history and deny any wrong doing by their group.

There is no such things as a nondenominational Christian, true Christian’s are not nondenominational they belong to Christ Jesus, and their Kingdom is the New Jerusalem above. On the other hand, God tells them to come out of the world wide empire of Babylon the Great which is all man-made religions.

All JW’s posting here do so to compare their religion against other religions that they hate! They believe and deny publicly a Holy Spirit lead GB. That same GB forbids their posting here, this is in part why they most often disable comments and do a hit and run, because they know other JW’s are reading the information which would be interfaith forbidden by their GB!

2 Corinthians 10:12 For we will not make comparison of ourselves with some of those who say good things about themselves: but these, measuring themselves by themselves, and making comparison of themselves with themselves, are not wise.

There is no such thing as a good and righteous man made religion, so comparing what man made religion does to another man made religion is a dog chasing it’s tail.

Saying Jehovah over and over again does not clean a thing, or make a person righteous it is only the righteousness of Christ Jesus that makes a person righteous which is not a religious teaching, it what Christ Jesus taught and false religion has stolen to build empires!

Haggi 2:12 If anyone has some holy flesh folded in the skirt of his robe, will bread or soup or wine or oil or any other food be made holy if touched by his skirt? And the priests answering said, No.
2:13 Then Haggai said, Will any of these be made unclean by the touch of one who is unclean through touching a dead body? And the priests answering said, It will be made unclean.
2:14 Then Haggai said, So is this people and so is this nation before me, says the Lord; and so is every work of their hands; and the offering they give there is unclean.

The truth has never been lost it cannot, men can add to the bible fill the world with writings about the bible, set up programs, boast in their great works, but God’s chosen ones can’t be misled, why? Because no human, religion, demon, or thing in heaven or on earth can separated God’s children from the Holy Spirit.

1 Peter 3:21 And baptism, of which this is an image, now gives you salvation, not by washing clean the flesh, but by making you free from the sense of sin before God, through the coming again of Jesus Christ from the dead;
All man made religion does is try to control the wind and once it does the wind does not exist all it can produces is dead works.

JW’s are not comparing themselves against the Spirit but the flesh of other religions a big mistake

March 9, 2025 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk