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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > “Let us remove ourselves, and conqueror in Christ faith, what he did as God's seed so we have all things pertaining to life in him our life, all things in Christ were created for us. It is by faith we associate with life, it is by faith we conqueror this

January 27, 2018

“Let us remove ourselves, and conqueror in Christ faith, what he did as God's seed so we have all things pertaining to life in him our life, all things in Christ were created for us. It is by faith we associate with life, it is by faith we conqueror this world, it is by faith we are united with the faithful men and woman of old. It is by faith the flesh is crucified in Christ. It is by suffering in our flesh that our faith is perfected in Christ. It is by faith we speak!”

Colossians 2:7 rooted and built up in him, and established in the faith, even as you were taught, abounding in it in thanksgiving.

Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace that was given me, to every man who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think reasonably, as God has apportioned to each person a measure of faith.

1Cor.3:21 Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours, 3:22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come. All are yours,
3:23 and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's.

1 Peter 4:11 If anyone speaks, let it be as it were the very words of God. If anyone serves, let it be as of the strength which God supplies, that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom belong the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.

January 27, 2019 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk