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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > When, and at what point did Satan start doing dead works? “When he went out of God's mind into his own mind and started thinking he was the creator of his own eternal life by his own efforts. “Dead works!” Yes, works not of God, but from self, labeled

May 29, 2019

When, and at what point did Satan start doing dead works?

“When he went out of God's mind into his own mind and started thinking he was the creator of his own eternal life by his own efforts. “Dead works!” Yes, works not of God, but from self, labeled by tagging them with words from God.”

James.3:14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your heart, don't boast and don't lie against the truth.
3:15 This wisdom is not that which comes down from above, but is earthly, sensual, and demonic. 3:16 For where jealousy and selfish ambition are, there is confusion and every evil deed.

James.4:13 Come now, you who say, "Today or tomorrow let's go into this city, and spend a year there, trade, and make a profit."
4:14 Whereas you don't know what your life will be like tomorrow. For what is your life? For you are a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.
4:15 For you ought to say, "If the Lord wills, we will both live, and do this or that."

John 5:19 Jesus therefore answered them, "Most certainly, I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he sees the Father doing. For whatever things he does, these the Son also does likewise.

1 John 4:5 They are of the world. Therefore they speak of the world, and the world hears them.

70% of those attending church one or more times a month never share their faith with a stranger.

One in four Evangelicals are not certain that the physical resurrection of Jesus was a real historical event.

May 29, 2019 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk