Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > "Evil never begets good, it beget more evil, why lie about it unless we ourselves are evil!”
June 03, 2020
“Evil never begets good, it beget more evil, why lie about it unless we ourselves are evil!”
Psalms 5:4 For you are not a God who has pleasure in wickedness. Evil can't live with you.
Psalms 34:16 Yahweh's face is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.
Psalms 64:5 They encourage themselves in evil plans. They talk about laying snares secretly. They say, "Who will see them?"
Romans 1:30 backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Some facts:
While many people are hopeful that George Floyd’s murder might be a catalyst for meaningful change in America, no such change will occur because the media and Democrats who are leading the charge don’t actually care about change and think black people are too stupid to ever realize that.
Instead, sleepy idiots that so many are, most people lazily just scream “RACISM!” and hope their ugly accusation and the ferocity with which they level it will do all the work for them. After all, the person screaming “RACISM!” clearly can’t be the problem. And they’ve done their part by pointing out what the problem is. So now it’s someone else’s problem. The person who yelled “RACISM!” is woke. Their work here is done. And do you know what happens next? Not a damn thing. By lovebreedsaccountiablity
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June 03, 2020
“Evil never begets good, it beget more evil, why lie about it unless we ourselves are evil!”
Psalms 5:4 For you are not a God who has pleasure in wickedness. Evil can't live with you.
Psalms 34:16 Yahweh's face is against those who do evil, to cut off the memory of them from the earth.
Psalms 64:5 They encourage themselves in evil plans. They talk about laying snares secretly. They say, "Who will see them?"
Romans 1:30 backbiters, hateful to God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.
2 Timothy 3:13 But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.
Some facts:
While many people are hopeful that George Floyd’s murder might be a catalyst for meaningful change in America, no such change will occur because the media and Democrats who are leading the charge don’t actually care about change and think black people are too stupid to ever realize that.
Instead, sleepy idiots that so many are, most people lazily just scream “RACISM!” and hope their ugly accusation and the ferocity with which they level it will do all the work for them. After all, the person screaming “RACISM!” clearly can’t be the problem. And they’ve done their part by pointing out what the problem is. So now it’s someone else’s problem. The person who yelled “RACISM!” is woke. Their work here is done.
And do you know what happens next?
Not a damn thing. By lovebreedsaccountiablity see also