Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > “What is woke if it silences everyone that disagrees isn’t that the same old, age old bigotry reinvented?”
June 07, 2020
“What is woke if it silences everyone that disagrees isn’t that the same old, age old bigotry reinvented?”
Ecclesiastes 1:9 That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Job 30:26 When I looked for good, then evil came; When I waited for light, there came darkness.
Psalms 82:5 They don't know, neither do they understand. They walk back and forth in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Proverbs 4:19 The way of the wicked is like darkness. They don't know what they stumble over.
Some Facts: 1 : obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot overcoming his own bigotry. 2 : acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot racial bigotry will not tolerate bigotry in our organization. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about bigotry.
Also, the types of attitude thought to constitute bigotry have expanded, seemingly without limit. Bigotry may be “hate” but it no longer requires anger or ill will. Ordinary human loyalties or the belief some distinction traditionally recognized is real, and sometimes matters, is enough. Thus, people who believe there are intrinsic natural differences between the sexes are now considered bigots. Standing for the national anthem at football games is called out as white supremacist. And so on. Such views may seem odd but they increasingly pervade public discussion.
And finally, bigotry has been promoted from a vice among other vices to the ultimate unforgivable sin. In the considered view of the centrist Democrat who was the consensus choice of all respectable opinion to become president of the United States, bigots are not only extremely numerous and thoroughly deplorable but “unredeemable.” They have no place in our society, or so it is thought, and respectable publications present them as legitimate targets of extra-legal violence. A woman who murders her child and never comes clean about it can find absolution among respectable people more easily than a woman provoked into saying the wrong word. And in Britain a three-year-old who uses the wrong expression (like “broccoli head”) can get reported to the police as a racist and the incident entered in his permanent record.
What is going on? When did opposition to bigotry become so bigoted, and “hate” lose its connection to hate? How did it happen that pretty much everyone who ever lived now counts as a bigot to be ashamed of? For that matter, when did ordinary Church teaching regarding sex and the sexes, or the value of recognizing and protecting national distinctiveness, become equivalent to crimes against humanity? By Crisis Magazine
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June 07, 2020
“What is woke if it silences everyone that disagrees isn’t that the same old, age old bigotry reinvented?”
Ecclesiastes 1:9 That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.
Job 30:26 When I looked for good, then evil came; When I waited for light, there came darkness.
Psalms 82:5 They don't know, neither do they understand. They walk back and forth in darkness. All the foundations of the earth are shaken.
Proverbs 4:19 The way of the wicked is like darkness. They don't know what they stumble over.
Some Facts: 1 : obstinate or intolerant devotion to one's own opinions and prejudices : the state of mind of a bigot overcoming his own bigotry. 2 : acts or beliefs characteristic of a bigot racial bigotry will not tolerate bigotry in our organization. Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about bigotry.
Also, the types of attitude thought to constitute bigotry have expanded, seemingly without limit. Bigotry may be “hate” but it no longer requires anger or ill will. Ordinary human loyalties or the belief some distinction traditionally recognized is real, and sometimes matters, is enough. Thus, people who believe there are intrinsic natural differences between the sexes are now considered bigots. Standing for the national anthem at football games is called out as white supremacist. And so on. Such views may seem odd but they increasingly pervade public discussion.
And finally, bigotry has been promoted from a vice among other vices to the ultimate unforgivable sin. In the considered view of the centrist Democrat who was the consensus choice of all respectable opinion to become president of the United States, bigots are not only extremely numerous and thoroughly deplorable but “unredeemable.” They have no place in our society, or so it is thought, and respectable publications present them as legitimate targets of extra-legal violence. A woman who murders her child and never comes clean about it can find absolution among respectable people more easily than a woman provoked into saying the wrong word. And in Britain a three-year-old who uses the wrong expression (like “broccoli head”) can get reported to the police as a racist and the incident entered in his permanent record.
What is going on? When did opposition to bigotry become so bigoted, and “hate” lose its connection to hate? How did it happen that pretty much everyone who ever lived now counts as a bigot to be ashamed of? For that matter, when did ordinary Church teaching regarding sex and the sexes, or the value of recognizing and protecting national distinctiveness, become equivalent to crimes against humanity? By Crisis Magazine see also