Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > “When has division and hate ever fixed a problem? Division and hate is the problem which ends in destruction; why are people lying about wanting destruction while promoting division and hate?
June 10, 2020
“When has division and hate ever fixed a problem? Division and hate is the problem which ends in destruction; why are people lying about wanting destruction while promoting division and hate?
Proverbs 29:10 The bloodthirsty hate a man of integrity; and they seek the life of the upright.
Amos 5:10 They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks blamelessly.
Micah 3:2 You who hate the good, and love the evil; who tear off their skin, and their flesh from off their bones;
Titus. 3:1 Remind them to be in subjection to rulers and to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, 3:2 to speak evil of no one, not to be contentious, to be gentle, showing all humility toward all men.
Some facts:
A U.S. Army veteran who served during the Korean War, Adler volunteered to serve his adopted country as a way to repay those who liberated him.
Adler survived concentration camps in Auschwitz and Dachau, the latter of which was liberated by a force that included members of the Colorado National Guard's 157th Infantry Regiment and the Oklahoma National Guard's 45th Infantry Division. He continues to be actively involved with the Colorado Guard.
“Jack speaks for those who have been silenced and in doing so, imparts valuable lessons,” said Maj. Gen. Michael Loh, the adjutant general of Colorado.
Adler works with the Mizel Museum in Denver to share his story. Since 1992, he has spoken to more than 1.5 million people, including school children and military audiences. Loh said his remarks inspire others to stand up to racism and bigotry. Adler briefly explained how hate in his home of Poland escalated to the mass murder of millions of Jews. He was 10 when the Holocaust began and, by the war’s end, was an orphan, having lost his parents, two sisters and a brother.
When the Nazis arrived in Poland, Adler said he watched some locals embrace the occupiers. Within hours, however, Jews were ordered to wear yellow stars on their clothing. They were barred from schools and houses of worship, chased like animals, beat and humiliated. “If anyone objected to this harsh treatment, they were shot on the spot,” he said. Adler’s family was moved from one ghetto to another before arriving in concentration camps, where the violence and atrocities only increased.
At Dachau, Adler worked 12-hour days, carrying bags of cement from a rail line to a construction site. Near the war’s end, thousands of prisoners were marched through the forest, with stragglers shot and left for dead.
Adler and thousands of others were liberated on May 1, 1945. “I would not have made it one more day,” he said.
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June 10, 2020
“When has division and hate ever fixed a problem? Division and hate is the problem which ends in destruction; why are people lying about wanting destruction while promoting division and hate?
Proverbs 29:10 The bloodthirsty hate a man of integrity; and they seek the life of the upright.
Amos 5:10 They hate him who reproves in the gate, and they abhor him who speaks blamelessly.
Micah 3:2 You who hate the good, and love the evil; who tear off their skin, and their flesh from off their bones;
Titus. 3:1 Remind them to be in subjection to rulers and to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work,
3:2 to speak evil of no one, not to be contentious, to be gentle, showing all humility toward all men.
Some facts:
A U.S. Army veteran who served during the Korean War, Adler volunteered to serve his adopted country as a way to repay those who liberated him.
Adler survived concentration camps in Auschwitz and Dachau, the latter of which was liberated by a force that included members of the Colorado National Guard's 157th Infantry Regiment and the Oklahoma National Guard's 45th Infantry Division. He continues to be actively involved with the Colorado Guard.
“Jack speaks for those who have been silenced and in doing so, imparts valuable lessons,” said Maj. Gen. Michael Loh, the adjutant general of Colorado.
Adler works with the Mizel Museum in Denver to share his story. Since 1992, he has spoken to more than 1.5 million people, including school children and military audiences.
Loh said his remarks inspire others to stand up to racism and bigotry.
Adler briefly explained how hate in his home of Poland escalated to the mass murder of millions of Jews. He was 10 when the Holocaust began and, by the war’s end, was an orphan, having lost his parents, two sisters and a brother.
When the Nazis arrived in Poland, Adler said he watched some locals embrace the occupiers. Within hours, however, Jews were ordered to wear yellow stars on their clothing. They were barred from schools and houses of worship, chased like animals, beat and humiliated.
“If anyone objected to this harsh treatment, they were shot on the spot,” he said.
Adler’s family was moved from one ghetto to another before arriving in concentration camps, where the violence and atrocities only increased.
At Dachau, Adler worked 12-hour days, carrying bags of cement from a rail line to a construction site. Near the war’s end, thousands of prisoners were marched through the forest, with stragglers shot and left for dead.
Adler and thousands of others were liberated on May 1, 1945.
“I would not have made it one more day,” he said. see also