Diverting traffic in a major city does not stop the traffic; it prolongs it, still, all those driving must get home or to their detestation!
What is a pandemic? Is it something mankind can stop? That is not a trick question? If it is a “pandemic” by definition, it means mankind can’t stop it or it would not be a pandemic!
So does diverting the pandemic stop the pandemic or make it last longer? Once again, not a trick question?
Does quarantining a whole nation kill the covid19 or prolong it? How many low income people have grandparents helping them raise their children, do you know? Quarantine those family to home who at the greatest risk?
Can humans prevent the common cold? No, haven’t yet! Why do we not shut down the entire world over the common cold? Well, some people actually do die from colds that compromise their immune system causing other complication that sometimes leads to death. Can you tell me how many people died from the common cold each year? Do you care?
No we don’t, it just another thing we have to live with and go on with life.
OK, here is another one, if every person on the planet earth caught COVID19 how many would die, what is the percentage?
If I state the facts, then you say I have an agenda, but I don’t have one - truth is not an agenda. The truth is, go look it up, it would be a very small percentage of the population of the world would die.
So is the pandemic the virus, or the amount of death it causes? Then, why is it that the news focus on the death numbers, like were are voting in an election waiting eagerly for the numbers on social media?
Can masks stop the virus, or divert it? How many deaths have mask save us from? What about those that caught the virus; were they wearing masks, were they staying at home and social distancing? Why haven’t we talked about those numbers. Well, perhaps, we don’t like being confused ourselves by the facts, who knows?
Are there any numbers or scientific facts that masks stop the virus or prevent it or do they prolonged it? Do we even have any facts that wearing a mask keeps others from catching it, honestly?
Next question? What is a flu shot? Is a flu shot a vaccination that kills the flu virus? Well, sadly, we have a number of people that are very angry right now that do not understand what a flu shot is, or what it does? I not making this up, just ask most people and you will be shockingly surprised?
What a flu shot does is put some of the flu virus in us so that our immune system creates it own cells to protect us, so when we are exposed, we have the power to stop the flu. But now listen, very carefully, it does not kill the flu virus it stops it in our own body not someone else body no matter if we are wearing a mask or not.
Next question, are Doctors, always right? When have Doctors ever been right? Do we now live in a bubble of Merlin the magical wizard? Where doctors are all knowing, and all-seeing gods without question. Do we think doctors are free of politics and career ambitious; pure as wind driven snow only wanting to save the world!
Just study the million arguments over coffee in the last 40-years and the questions will answer itself. And If you're not satisfied with that then pick whatever subject you want and you will find the same story when it comes to expert opinions!
Here is the truth none of us want to face, the problem with the truth is the truth always becomes reality with us or without us.
The truth is that we only have two choices. 1.) is, if science comes up with a vaccine for COVID19—killing it dead, but science has never created a vaccination for a virus not even AIDS, and
2.) the world gets infected with COVID19, and builds up herd immunity the same-thing a flu shot helps to speed up that process completing it faster.
“Diverting”, is prolonging the inevitable truth one way or another. If those in power want to keep this thing going for years they will keep enforcing the detour signs, instead of the truth, the wizardry magical fantastical detour signs killing the city for lack of traffic.
When it all over the question remains. why did we destroy our country over wizardry magical fantastical, hence, our own lives, and our families future, when we have no proof we saved one single life by the “detour signs” which is now have become new idol to worship at!
What we are left with is political rhetoric that wants to get their grubby fingers on COVID19 funding for their State, the trillion of dollars slush fund that requires each state to enforce the detour signs, rather than facing the inevitable truth.
Let us remember all that traffic must get home it may take years at great cost, but I don’t believe they really care in the first place its just politics, right? Politicians care little more than they ever have and unfortunately we’ve have all fooled ourselves into not facing the truth, while the politicians feed us what we needed not to face the truth.
Yes, its true and those same politician's are very rich and happy prostitutes that gave us cheap love at the cost of our jobs, ruining our economy, and the future of our families; while we slept around rolling in unreality being unfaithful to ourselves and our neighbor while they sold out our country to terrorist!
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Magical Fantastical of Merlin the Wizard
Diverting traffic in a major city does not stop the traffic; it prolongs it, still, all those driving must get home or to their detestation!
What is a pandemic? Is it something mankind can stop? That is not a trick question? If it is a “pandemic” by definition, it means mankind can’t stop it or it would not be a pandemic!
So does diverting the pandemic stop the pandemic or make it last longer? Once again, not a trick question?
Does quarantining a whole nation kill the covid19 or prolong it? How many low income people have grandparents helping them raise their children, do you know? Quarantine those family to home who at the greatest risk?
Can humans prevent the common cold? No, haven’t yet! Why do we not shut down the entire world over the common cold? Well, some people actually do die from colds that compromise their immune system causing other complication that sometimes leads to death. Can you tell me how many people died from the common cold each year? Do you care?
No we don’t, it just another thing we have to live with and go on with life.
OK, here is another one, if every person on the planet earth caught COVID19 how many would die, what is the percentage?
If I state the facts, then you say I have an agenda, but I don’t have one - truth is not an agenda. The truth is, go look it up, it would be a very small percentage of the population of the world would die.
So is the pandemic the virus, or the amount of death it causes? Then, why is it that the news focus on the death numbers, like were are voting in an election waiting eagerly for the numbers on social media?
Can masks stop the virus, or divert it? How many deaths have mask save us from? What about those that caught the virus; were they wearing masks, were they staying at home and social distancing? Why haven’t we talked about those numbers. Well, perhaps, we don’t like being confused ourselves by the facts, who knows?
Are there any numbers or scientific facts that masks stop the virus or prevent it or do they prolonged it? Do we even have any facts that wearing a mask keeps others from catching it, honestly?
Next question? What is a flu shot? Is a flu shot a vaccination that kills the flu virus? Well, sadly, we have a number of people that are very angry right now that do not understand what a flu shot is, or what it does? I not making this up, just ask most people and you will be shockingly surprised?
What a flu shot does is put some of the flu virus in us so that our immune system creates it own cells to protect us, so when we are exposed, we have the power to stop the flu. But now listen, very carefully, it does not kill the flu virus it stops it in our own body not someone else body no matter if we are wearing a mask or not.
Next question, are Doctors, always right? When have Doctors ever been right? Do we now live in a bubble of Merlin the magical wizard? Where doctors are all knowing, and all-seeing gods without question. Do we think doctors are free of politics and career ambitious; pure as wind driven snow only wanting to save the world!
Just study the million arguments over coffee in the last 40-years and the questions will answer itself. And If you're not satisfied with that then pick whatever subject you want and you will find the same story when it comes to expert opinions!
Here is the truth none of us want to face, the problem with the truth is the truth always becomes reality with us or without us.
The truth is that we only have two choices. 1.) is, if science comes up with a vaccine for COVID19—killing it dead, but science has never created a vaccination for a virus not even AIDS, and
2.) the world gets infected with COVID19, and builds up herd immunity the same-thing a flu shot helps to speed up that process completing it faster.
“Diverting”, is prolonging the inevitable truth one way or another. If those in power want to keep this thing going for years they will keep enforcing the detour signs, instead of the truth, the wizardry magical fantastical detour signs killing the city for lack of traffic.
When it all over the question remains. why did we destroy our country over wizardry magical fantastical, hence, our own lives, and our families future, when we have no proof we saved one single life by the “detour signs” which is now have become new idol to worship at!
What we are left with is political rhetoric that wants to get their grubby fingers on COVID19 funding for their State, the trillion of dollars slush fund that requires each state to enforce the detour signs, rather than facing the inevitable truth.
Let us remember all that traffic must get home it may take years at great cost, but I don’t believe they really care in the first place its just politics, right? Politicians care little more than they ever have and unfortunately we’ve have all fooled ourselves into not facing the truth, while the politicians feed us what we needed not to face the truth.
Yes, its true and those same politician's are very rich and happy prostitutes that gave us cheap love at the cost of our jobs, ruining our economy, and the future of our families; while we slept around rolling in unreality being unfaithful to ourselves and our neighbor while they sold out our country to terrorist!