Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > Truth cannot be sold, manipulated, or water down without horrific consequence for others. Lives ruined, faith’s destroy and God mocked like a car salesman!
Truth cannot be sold, manipulated, or water down without horrific consequence for others. Lives ruined, faith’s destroy and God mocked like a car salesman!
When we love someone we reward them with our love freely, we don’t reward them with material things to gain their love. Love wants to give, and it does so freely that may or may not include material things.
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Truth cannot be sold, manipulated, or water down without horrific consequence for others. Lives ruined, faith’s destroy and God mocked like a car salesman!
When we love someone we reward them with our love freely, we don’t reward them with material things to gain their love. Love wants to give, and it does so freely that may or may not include material things.