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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > The very essence of politics are against the Christ and are the antiphase's to God. And that is why God is light and the world is darkness the two oppose each other there could not be a more vivid description given human when God states that friendship w

The very essence of politics are against the Christ and are the antiphase's to God. And that is why God is light and the world is darkness the two oppose each other there could not be a more vivid description given human when God states that friendship with this world is an enemy of God!

We must understand that incongruity is like two circles one circle is truth, and the other is a lie. To become congruent, that is, the lie to disappears the lie circle has line up exactly with the circle of truth.

Politics is the lie circle, and Jesus Christ is the truth circle, but human refuse to come to the light due to politics. Thus, the nations of our earth are incongruity living the lie of the Father of the lie Satan the Devil.

You can’t be loving this world having it ways, which is politics and be a Christian’s in Christ it not allowed by the highest power in the universe the Almighty God Yahweh!

October 24, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk