Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > Courage is the foundation God’s own heart, for us to face the light of truth, to stand up for the weak, to feed the poor, to give our lives for the love of neighbor and justice.
Courage is the foundation God’s own heart, for us to face the light of truth, to stand up for the weak, to feed the poor, to give our lives for the love of neighbor and justice.
It is the strength to protect a child, born or unborn, it is the ability to care about others needs over are own. It is the power overcome fear a parent needs to correct their child even if it means being hated for their betterment.
It is the essential element of human life to face life, a life that is not safe but dangerous with every breath and brief, fraught with evil and good. It is the reason marriage stay together and why we take care of the elderly it is virtue to value the human soul as treasure in heaven.
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Courage is the foundation God’s own heart, for us to face the light of truth, to stand up for the weak, to feed the poor, to give our lives for the love of neighbor and justice.
It is the strength to protect a child, born or unborn, it is the ability to care about others needs over are own. It is the power overcome fear a parent needs to correct their child even if it means being hated for their betterment.
It is the essential element of human life to face life, a life that is not safe but dangerous with every breath and brief, fraught with evil and good. It is the reason marriage stay together and why we take care of the elderly it is virtue to value the human soul as treasure in heaven.