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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > I have this small dog she’s about a year old, intelligent smart and sweet. What a thrill to watch her go through stages of growth until recently she get to go outside by herself and run in the yard. Freedom is a sheer joy for her and for me to watch the

I have this small dog she’s about a year old, intelligent smart and sweet. What a thrill to watch her go through stages of growth until recently she get to go outside by herself and run in the yard.

Freedom is a sheer joy for her and for me to watch the excitement and liberty that cannot be expressed in words alone but experienced.

When we restrict others or wished they are restricted for safety, we lose life, we lose the our freedom and the most precious moments of life. Giving our children, our neighbors, our country as much freedom as we can should be the goal of this life.

It easy to restrict, but it takes great effort to give freedom!

March 22, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk