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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > We have a pandemic of narcissism in America feed by fantasia where loyalty and fidelity mean a constant state of entertainment.

We have a pandemic of narcissism in America feed by fantasia where loyalty and fidelity mean a constant state of entertainment.

The smallest infraction a words said out wokism will end a relationship. like all victim-hood marriage has become one more cult of self-centrism due to so many distraction of materialism and free sex for all the hundreds of gender perverts.

Sex is pleasure, marriage is commitment, sacrifice, hard work and much forgiveness which is impossible in a society that will destroy each other over words. We are reaping a whirl of self-plagues for sheer mental laziness where females wait on children hand and foot and will not let a man make a mistake; finding ourselves in a total dependent society on government where kids never leave home

May 7, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk