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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > People that believe in superheros are not congruent with being an adult. They avoid facing the hard truth by vicariously living through their superhero. Musk is not a superhero, and heart break, no human is a superhero and we are not a superhero!

People that believe in superheros are not congruent with being an adult. They avoid facing the hard truth by vicariously living through their superhero.

Musk is not a superhero, and heart break, no human is a superhero and we are not a superhero!

That's the reason America is in a mess, because there are no superhero. What there is are honest hard working people that help each others with no glory. When we don't have that our world goes to hell.

Making idols to worship make a group a protected class like we did with school teacher. The special privilege take over and they become untouchable dictators, same program every time grow up kids!

May 11, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk