Speaking truth conjures up feelings of both joy and hurt, but hurt and joy are not truth. In fact, we love truth that makes us joyful, but joy is not truth, if we hate truth that hurt us, our hate is not truth.
The messenger is the personality, but the personality is not the truth.
Truth does not change and it does not take into consideration we are human, let alone our emotional make up. Truth does not cringe at sweet words or harsh words, truth is always truth.
And that is why God tells us the truth that all humans are liars. None of us can handle the truth, we all think we can, but truth is like a torture stake of our lying flesh when nailed to it we fall short of God’s glory and fall in love with God’s grace!
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Speaking truth conjures up feelings of both joy and hurt, but hurt and joy are not truth. In fact, we love truth that makes us joyful, but joy is not truth, if we hate truth that hurt us, our hate is not truth.
The messenger is the personality, but the personality is not the truth.
Truth does not change and it does not take into consideration we are human, let alone our emotional make up. Truth does not cringe at sweet words or harsh words, truth is always truth.
And that is why God tells us the truth that all humans are liars. None of us can handle the truth, we all think we can, but truth is like a torture stake of our lying flesh when nailed to it we fall short of God’s glory and fall in love with God’s grace!