The biblical abyss is a bottomless pit; we humans think in terms of a physical place and the darkness of its depth.
What is found in that abyss are the most evil of those hating God that want control of humility. In other words, the very real life lesson all are being force to understand right now in this world, and what is that?
It is that we human's can sink into such a low state morally that darkness conquers common sense, logic, and even science can't override pure evil.
It is a bottomless pit, it does not change, it can't be vote out, it won't be reason with, it can't hear, see, or know anything but evil and destruction.
What follows this evil? A beast of government created by a political agenda against all of God's goodness. Abyss opened?
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The biblical abyss is a bottomless pit; we humans think in terms of a physical place and the darkness of its depth.
What is found in that abyss are the most evil of those hating God that want control of humility. In other words, the very real life lesson all are being force to understand right now in this world, and what is that?
It is that we human's can sink into such a low state morally that darkness conquers common sense, logic, and even science can't override pure evil.
It is a bottomless pit, it does not change, it can't be vote out, it won't be reason with, it can't hear, see, or know anything but evil and destruction.
What follows this evil? A beast of government created by a political agenda against all of God's goodness. Abyss opened?