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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > Stand for nothing fall for everything! Little things matter the most, faithful in least faithful in big things, and the converse is true, unfaithful in least, unfaithful in big things. Were either climbing or sliding into a bottomless pit of immorality;

Stand for nothing fall for everything! Little things matter the most, faithful in least faithful in big things, and the converse is true, unfaithful in least, unfaithful in big things.

Were either climbing or sliding into a bottomless pit of immorality; nothing in between.

When America compromised its constitution we now find ourselves in a bottomless pit of hell on earth! We find ourselves in a free for all of wokism where personal feeling are more important than the sacredness of life. Life has no meaning but feeling do even if those feeling will kill billions of lives.

We have nothing to check ourselves against but ourselves and that is the push behind mass shooting of innocent children and the evil destruction of unborn children. Laws matter!

September 4, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk