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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > No punishment what is left? Compromise descending into a lower state of acceptance of lawlessness. When we figure that out we then understand why everything without law becomes greater and greater corruption. That would include the Bible, the Constitut

No punishment nothing changes accept more badness. Punishment stops evil, than people change, not by nature but by not wanting to ruin their lives paying the consequence of the punishment of breaking the law.

No punishment what is left? Compromise descending into a lower state of acceptance of lawlessness. When we figure that out we then understand why everything without law becomes greater and greater corruption. That would include the Bible, the Constitution, an entire nation.

Broad and spacious is the road leading off into destruction why? Because it is an easy road of compromise. Compromise becomes the rule of law, where anyone promoting law and punishment is evil, where words are more important than vile evil deeds done to humanity.

September 29, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk