Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > Agendas are the quagmires of death for any person that thinks they can wade through one and stay clean.
Agendas are the quagmires of death for any person that thinks they can wade through one and stay clean. 4. Agenda are evil, they have two standards, one for us, and one for them. God has no agendas because he is the Truth, and so is his Son Christ Jesus. So Christian's must think long and hard about agendas if they claim to be in the truth, that is, in Christ Jesus.
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Agendas are the quagmires of death for any person that thinks
they can wade through one and stay clean.
Agenda are evil, they have two standards, one for us, and one
for them. God has no agendas because he is the Truth, and so is
his Son Christ Jesus. So Christian's must think long and hard
about agendas if they claim to be in the truth, that is, in Christ