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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > You know you've won the war when you created a poison that rats love and fight each other to get to it!

You know you've won the war when you created a poison that rats love and fight each other to get to!

A trillion dollar rat trap that rats feel deprived if they can't get some of what's killing them! People clinging to Twitter, more than their guns thinking their profound comments will protect them; that they are killing their enemies while spreading more division than demons could have ever hoped for in their most vilest thoughts.

Like cockroaches tricked into taking bait back to their nest so goes the most enlighten generation in human history who believe in fabrication.

Rats are dying and totalitarianism is raising like Sun without ozone to protect the human race.

February 15, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk