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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > Propaganda steal what is Spirit and truth, whereas, Spirit and truth creates free will, and free will is the highest form of life and freedom that the thief Satan the Devil lied to steal leading to control of Adam and Eves free will which had thrived in p

Anxiety and Fear Propaganda Creates!

James 2:19 You believe that God is one.
You do well. The demons also believe,
and shudder.

Propaganda steal what is Spirit and truth, whereas, Spirit and truth
creates free will, and free will is the highest form of life and
freedom that the thief Satan the Devil lied to steal leading to
control of Adam and Eves free will which had thrived in perfect
peace with the life of God.

Darkness of the first lie by propaganda caused fear of anxiety
because light was exchange for darkness for those that should have
been under the greatest law, the Royal Law, meaning the law of
God, which God defined Himself as love, where free will exist and
no where else in lesser laws created by lesser spirit being. Free will
bring the perfect gift of love which pleases God who is light.

In other words, God created mankind to be lesser than spirit son’s.
Subsequently, human were created to be under God the great Spirit
of all creation his creation both physical and spirit.

The nature God created in humankind was to look to the invisible
spirit world to connect with himself and be ruled by love, God’s is
love and is the only Spirit and truth of our universe. The invisible
worship of God would be by Spirit and truth given Adam and Eve by
faith in the love of the heaven Father YHWH.

The propaganda of Satan the Devil was to created a sight worship of
government on earth collectively controlling humans by death and
fear. Satan and wicked spirit force would bring human down into
beastly conscience and rule of laws through various forms of human
government to control them by fear and constant anxiety.

The darkness fears light, light causes a demonic reaction of fear
causing hatred when exposed by the fire of burning light. The fear
of light cause great fear, and fear creates violence in the form of
blind demonic hatred. The drug of lies dilutes spirit son’s into
spiritual weakness, and fleshly son’s into arrogance of pride that
when exposes ignites into a fire that can’t be extinguished
eventually consuming the very heart and soul in a fearsome taste
of the second death.

James.3:5 So the tongue is also a little member, and boasts great
things. See how a small fire can spread to a large forest!
3:6 And the tongue is a fire. The world of iniquity among our
members is the tongue, which defiles the whole body, and sets on
fire the course of nature, and is set on fire by Gehenna.{or, Hell}

March 6, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk