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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > What happens when we set the most vile among us as our king/President? What happens when we elevate incompetency and sexual ill people as our leaders? When we kiss the feet of fools and humiliate the wise as evil? Well, we prove we are Clowns, raped,

What happens when we set the most vile among us as our king/President? What happens when we elevate incompetency and sexual ill people as our leaders?

When we kiss the feet of fools and humiliate the wise as evil? Well, we prove we are Clowns, raped, beaten at every corner by thugs never ending circus of the most perverse suicidal side shows on earth.

This is the land obelivon; the mind of great darkness and evil where the wicked party at; the love, the lust of their very hearts that which is normal to a perverse soul and heart. A spirit that fills the land with darkness where light is attacked and murder of innocents is the altar of worship.

A wisdom once ruled in freedom when righteousness knew, evil must be removed so the goodness could grow!

March 18, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk