Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > A shadowy land of death, where human stumble and fall often to their death! A land where evil and darkness exist and people search like blind one for a wall to support their conviction and faith. Where pride and arrogance rule as King and each person i
A shadowy land of death, where human stumble and fall often to their death! A land where evil and darkness exist and people search like blind one for a wall to support their conviction and faith.
Where pride and arrogance rule as King and each person imagine themselves a god. A hard land of weeds and thistles fighting against light of good.
Can we say something is evil or do we live in the land of shadows where their is nothing black and white right and wrong? Here is the test for the righteous that exposes darkness. Are we an apologist thinking God is too hard?
The truth; if we apologies for God we are in darkness, God has no darkness in him we do. God created man and woman not transgenders or 73-genders a teaching of wicked spirit devils!