Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > The idea of living in prison from sin with the death sentence does not help in studying all the worlds philosophies, religions, history, wars, the greatest minds if we are still in prison dying in our sins Freedom from sin is not a mundane idea that is
The idea of living in prison from sin with the death sentence does not help in studying all the worlds philosophies, religions, history, wars, the greatest minds if we are still in prison dying in our sins
Freedom from sin is not a mundane idea that is meaningless for real Christian’s. It is the promise all God’s people have sought before Christ Jesus. Christ came to earth to died for our sins setting us free from God’s wrath, and gave us eternal life, not in our flesh, but in our spirit when we put off the prison of our flesh
The only truth anywhere that set us free from our sins, it is that truth we live in. In other words, we don’t live in a truth of creation or some experiment by science, we live in the reality of Christ life in us as the truth