Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > How can the left-wing radicals have the voice of wicked spirit persons in heavenly place sealed into their very souls, and not know it? It is because they don’t believe there is a God let alone wicked spirit person. The indescribable evil being perpetra
How can the left-wing radicals have the voice of wicked spirit persons in heavenly place sealed into their very souls, and not know it?
It is because they don’t believe there is a God let alone wicked spirit person. The indescribable evil being perpetrated comes from pure narcissist love. What they believe is freedom is absolute captivity to demonic forces that manipulate their every self-serving wants and needs of the lust of their perverse flesh.
Driven mad by wicked forces into insanity, like a demon being cast out that begs for the flesh of pig faced with truth so goes this crowd as they rush into madness jumping off the cliff into eternal death by their all consuming self-love!