Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > When Creation declares we are fools! Birds teach their young personal responsibility; how to fly, how to find food, how to take care of a nest, what is dangerous and what is not, and how to leave home. That is what good parenting is. Good parenting is
When Creation declares we are fools! Birds teach their young personal responsibility; how to fly, how to find food, how to take care of a nest, what is dangerous and what is not, and how to leave home.
That is what good parenting is. Good parenting is not emotion driven, it is morally driven by rules, guidelines for the young to accept personal responsibility.
Good government root came from good family values. Without family you have tyranny in a beast like government that hates personal responsibility as evil.
Good laws makes people take responsibility for their actions not the other person. Bad law make good people take responsibly for other peoples bad actions.
God hates calling evil good and good evil, he big on personal responsibility!