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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > When the washing machine is started the cloths are dirty, some more than others, but the process is the same. The question we human now face is who started the washing machine, human's or God? If it is humans then the exposing of corruption isn't to cl

When the washing machine is started the cloths are dirty, some more than others, but the process is the same. The question we human now face is who started the washing machine, human's or God?

If it is humans then the exposing of corruption isn't to clean it up, but rather, to profit off of it! But if its of God then the process and its end results will be about the quality of the clean, what eternal character it builds in us through the cycles of the washing machine.

Now many think and its true that they don't need to be in the washing machine, but we are all in it?

God has time tables that start and end, as does the washing cycles, if this is from God no human can interrupt it, the hope is a better lasting people, pray for endurance to the end.

September 24, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk