Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > When humans go after the rightness of God their own rightness has already failed. One is closely connected to the other, history should teach us that. Justice is dependent upon moral character when we are faced with a life and death situation that we a
When humans go after the rightness of God their own rightness has already failed. One is closely connected to the other, history should teach us that.
Justice is dependent upon moral character when we are faced with a life and death situation that we all do a person learns the hard lessons in life.
Does the person that can save you have such moral character, will they value your life as much as their own instead of seeing nationality, skin color, wealth, religion, politics your weight . . .
It all starts with being faithful in what is least daily the little things builds our foundation so we withstand storms of life, what matters the least to a corrupt culture matters the most to their existence.