Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > The foundation of peace rest upon Justice without Justice there is no peace for a person or a nation. Justice makes it strongest statement in equal protection of the law favoritism is an abomination to peace and Justice it is poison that slowly kills th
The foundation of peace rest upon Justice without Justice there is no peace for a person or a nation.
Justice makes it strongest statement in equal protection of the law favoritism is an abomination to peace and Justice it is poison that slowly kills the heart and soul of a nations.
Freedom is lost when traded for unequal protection of law, for a curse and plagues from perverting divine law. Although, equal protection of law is painful, bloody a life and death battle without it life becomes worthless.
The worthless walk on the wide road of partiality depriving the innocent of equal protection of law, but the righteous feet are upon the road of holiness.