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We Find Ourselves Swept into a Geo-Political-Relgious World:

Comments Posted Here Will be Worldly Issues Brought into Captivity

by the Sound Mind of Christ Jesus

2 Corinthians 10:5 throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;



Not by Our works of Righteousness

Titus 3:5 not by works of righteousness, which we did ourselves, but according to his mercy, he saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit Not by works of righteousness we did?

What works? Simple, JUSTIFICATION, we cannot, cannot be justified by our works, why? Because we all sin, we are born into sin, hence, we have no righteousness before God.

Christ Jesus was justified by his own works, he was not a sinner, that is why we must be justified by his righteousness, which means, his works. Christ life force was in his blood, it is his righteous blood that saves us not our good works. Saved by unmerited kindness given freely to us in Christ Jesus life.

Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works;


The Cry For Freedom; Begging The Enslaved


The cry for freedom; begging the enslaved!


Money will enslave us, words will enslave us, entertainment will enslave us, politics will enslave us, religion will enslave us, sex will enslave us; find something that won’t?


Asking the enslaved for our freedom is asking a blind man not to fall into pit while leading us. What is good will enslave us, what is bad will enslave us.


We live in a world subjected to vanity through sin the rest is a sales job by enslaved people like ourselves offering us freedom while existing as slaves to sin!


Freedom doesn’t exist in sin? Christ Jesus, never peddle Gods word, why? He is the sinless lamb of God


John 8:36 If therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.










Isa.2:4 He will judge between the nations, and will decide concerning many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.


The desire for peace does not come from mediation nor demanding human rights it comes from smelting at high temperatures the human heart.


Metallurgy changing war equipment into plowshares and pruning hooks producing good towards our neighbor instead of killing them; a new birth in a baptism by fire a refining by fire in Christ Jesus.


Malachi 3:2 “But who can endure the day of his coming? And who will stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner’s fire, and like launderer’s soap;


Build up your most holy faith in Christ knowing the same suffering are in the whole association of your brothers and sisters in the true vine. Remember what is lacking is our flesh, is not a lack in Christ, what separates us from truth of the glorious life in Christ is a very thin tent that weaken each day.

It is our seeing through that tent of flesh in faith that we stay the course. Let us be thankful we are not required to put faith in our tent, or the holes and tears found in it, we are to put on Christ the perfect bond of union letting God be greater than our hearts that condemn us, for those in Christ have new life hidden in a very safe place that nothing on this earth can shake or separate us from, have faith, have faith in God.”


Truth is Not Difficult Like a Task Master

 Truth is not difficult like a task master, the truth is gentle and

kind refreshing all whom come to it, for Christ is the truth.

Truth is lowly of mind, it not found in the haughtiness of the

flesh, or knowledge on paper. It is found in the heart of Christ

Jesus, whom is the wisdom of God for us. If God were not love,

he would not share Christ so freely with us.”


John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.

No one comes to the Father, except through me.


Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am

gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


Facts: In 2017, 8.5 million American adults suffered from both a

mental health disorder and a substance use disorder, or co-

occurring disorders. 1 Drug abuse and addiction cost American

society more than $740 billion annually in lost workplace

productivity, healthcare expenses, and crime-related costs.




Life is Serious, it is Precious

“Life is serious, it is precious, and that is why we honor and show respect for all humans born or unborn. But caveat! If we don’t first measure out the same respect and honor to our own life God has given to us then others will steal it and destroy our life as worthless for their own needs just like a pig can’t see a pearl’s value while rolling in the mire of his pig pen!”

1 Peter 3:10 For, “He who would love life, and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil, and his lips from speaking deceit.

James 4:14 Whereas you don’t know what your life will be like tomorrow. For what is your life? For you are a vapor, that appears for a little time, and then vanishes away.

Titus 1:2 in hope of eternal life, which God, who can’t lie, promised before time began;

1 Thessalonians 4:4 that each one of you know how to possess himself of his own vessel in sanctification and honor.

Titus. 3:1 Remind them to be in subjection to rulers and to authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, 3:2 to speak evil of no one, not to be contentious, to be gentle, showing all humility toward all men.

Matthew 13:46 who having found one pearl of great price, he went and sold all that he had, and bought it.

Facts: Happy New Breath, beautiful miracles! You may think “You say that to everyone!” ARE a miracle. Yes, You really, you are. ely to the point of impossible. Odds of Being Born Infographic by Designer Sofya Yampolsky And that is true too. We were not born by accident given the odds calculated by scientists showing the of you being born are at least 1 in 400 trillion IF NOT 1 in 400 quad odds trillion and most likely 1 in 102,640,000. That is incredibly unlikely



What is debt? It is servitude, what is a massive debt so large that it numbs the human mind into inaction and complacency it is demonic control! Debt creates a vacuum with the gravitational pull of a Back-hole sucking crushing light out of existence. God is light, think about it? Did God create mankind with a debt or freedom from all debt? Why would a nation worship debt making it into a god? Numbers don’t lie if there ever were a broad and spacious road leading off into destruction we are in the fast lane. Debt equal Devil pure darkness we are headed to complete control where all light will be crushed out of the human race right into Armageddon!


A World Fixated on The Outside 


The perfection of beauty on the outside is an emptiness of love of truth on the inside.
When one empty  the inside for the perfection of the outside it creates a vacuum that fills with darkness not light. 

Such is the truth of the first human couple Adam and Eve.  Why did they fear the light, who did God become when they sinned?  It is a simple profound truth that is the theme of our bibles.  They loved the outside person more than the inward person, they wanted this life more than eternal life, they loved the outward person, the flesh more than the righteous goodness of living in God in Spirit and truth. 

What happen that they must cover themselves from the evil they thought was in God, but the truth was it was in them.  Sadly, not only in themselves but each other.  They both realized they thought they  have love for each other that was their excuse for denying God, but naked truth was they love themselves more than God and each other making a first time shameful truth come to the light they now seen in each other for what they were a creation, and not the creator who is love.  


Magical Fantastical of Merlin the Wizard

Magical Fantastical of Merlin the Wizard

Diverting traffic in a major city does not stop the traffic; it prolongs it, still, all those driving must get home or to their detestation!

What is a pandemic? Is it something mankind can stop? That is not a trick question? If it is a “pandemic” by definition, it means mankind can’t stop it or it would not be a pandemic!

So does diverting the pandemic stop the pandemic or make it last longer? Once again, not a trick question?

Does quarantining a whole nation kill the covid19 or prolong it? How many low income people have grandparents helping them raise their children, do you know? Quarantine those family to home who at the greatest risk?

Can humans prevent the common cold? No, haven’t yet! Why do we not shut down the entire world over the common cold? Well, some people actually do die from colds that compromise their immune system causing other complication that sometimes leads to death. Can you tell me how many people died from the common cold each year? Do you care?

No we don’t, it just another thing we have to live with and go on with life.

OK, here is another one, if every person on the planet earth caught COVID19 how many would die, what is the percentage?

If I state the facts, then you say I have an agenda, but I don’t have one - truth is not an agenda. The truth is, go look it up, it would be a very small percentage of the population of the world would die.

So is the pandemic the virus, or the amount of death it causes? Then, why is it that the news focus on the death numbers, like were are voting in an election waiting eagerly for the numbers on social media?

Can masks stop the virus, or divert it? How many deaths have mask save us from? What about those that caught the virus; were they wearing masks, were they staying at home and social distancing? Why haven’t we talked about those numbers. Well, perhaps, we don’t like being confused ourselves by the facts, who knows?

Are there any numbers or scientific facts that masks stop the virus or prevent it or do they prolonged it? Do we even have any facts that wearing a mask keeps others from catching it, honestly?

Next question? What is a flu shot? Is a flu shot a vaccination that kills the flu virus? Well, sadly, we have a number of people that are very angry right now that do not understand what a flu shot is, or what it does? I not making this up, just ask most people and you will be shockingly surprised?

What a flu shot does is put some of the flu virus in us so that our immune system creates it own cells to protect us, so when we are exposed, we have the power to stop the flu. But now listen, very carefully, it does not kill the flu virus it stops it in our own body not someone else body no matter if we are wearing a mask or not.

Next question, are Doctors, always right? When have Doctors ever been right? Do we now live in a bubble of Merlin the magical wizard? Where doctors are all knowing, and all-seeing gods without question. Do we think doctors are free of politics and career ambitious; pure as wind driven snow only wanting to save the world!

Just study the million arguments over coffee in the last 40-years and the questions will answer itself. And If you’re not satisfied with that then pick whatever subject you want and you will find the same story when it comes to expert opinions!

Here is the truth none of us want to face, the problem with the truth is the truth always becomes reality with us or without us.

The truth is that we only have two choices. 1.) is, if science comes up with a vaccine for COVID19—killing it dead, but science has never created a vaccination for a virus not even AIDS, and

2.) the world gets infected with COVID19, and builds up herd immunity the same-thing a flu shot helps to speed up that process completing it faster.

“Diverting”, is prolonging the inevitable truth one way or another. If those in power want to keep this thing going for years they will keep enforcing the detour signs, instead of the truth, the wizardry magical fantastical detour signs killing the city for lack of traffic.

When it all over the question remains. why did we destroy our country over wizardry magical fantastical, hence, our own lives, and our families future, when we have no proof we saved one single life by the “detour signs” which is now have become new idol to worship at!

What we are left with is political rhetoric that wants to get their grubby fingers on COVID19 funding for their State, the trillion of dollars slush fund that requires each state to enforce the detour signs, rather than facing the inevitable truth.

Let us remember all that traffic must get home it may take years at great cost, but I don’t believe they really care in the first place its just politics, right? Politicians care little more than they ever have and unfortunately we’ve have all fooled ourselves into not facing the truth, while the politicians feed us what we needed not to face the truth.

Yes, its true and those same politician’s are very rich and happy prostitutes that gave us cheap love at the cost of our jobs, ruining our economy, and the future of our families; while we slept around rolling in unreality being unfaithful to ourselves and our neighbor while they sold out our country to terrorist!



Common sense does not prevail in panic!  Please lets all of us  catch our breathe.
If a person has a grocery store medium sizes with about  $50- thousand in inventory and each week they sell from 9 to 12-thousands dollars in grocery.
Then suddenly there is panic buying over a virus and their sales spike to 40-thousand in one week.  Its really no big deal, but what happens when every story in the country has the same spike in sales not just locally like during a hurricane but nation wide?
Well, lets reason, if its a local disaster then outside aid can come to the rescue, the government can send in food and water to help.  But when every store in the USA has the same problem who is there to send aid?  
Now compounding this problem is the fact people who are hording, and buying up everything  obviously have money to spend wildly and most of them already have food at home, but fear of losing out drives them to buy more because of the panic promoted by the news media and social media!
But what of the family living from pay-check to pay-check how do they get the money to buy food?  Well, the truth is they don’t, its just that simple, because they can’t run to the story at the first panic, and when they can buy food they find little or nothing on the selves.  And what they can find is left overs at a far greater price than what they normally pay, and furthermore, they must take whatever they can get due to fear!
It doesn’t matter if the government at some point sends money because everyone that has the money are stripping the selves on each new truck load of food coming in.   Moreover, those trucks have part orders than what they normally get because every store in the country has the same problem over panic buying!
So we really don’t have a food shortage at all but instead something caused by people that have money to waste buying out of fear; its not even a real food shortage but something caused by panic and greed.  Now that not the end of this problem for those who want to feel good about being politically correct in how will they obeyed during a national crises. 
You see, its not like most people think that the greed corporate deserve what they are getting!  The real power behind our economy that no one talks about is the small business person, not the big corporate powers.   Yes, that is right, and when a small store or restaurant is shut down they don’t usually recover.
Do you know why?  Because what they sell that week gives them operating capital to open for the next week to pay bills; it is that money that buys the inventory for the up coming week of business.  So it won’t be a few hundred death that are lost it will be millions of lives ruined over panic and fear buying.
Home lost, families destroy, unemployment sky rocketing, all the while for people who have never operated a business so they can make some political gain and prove to the rest of us how concern they are about us.  Yet, they themselves are the big guy their lives won’t be affected at all, but they certainly will improve their own  position in their next run for political office! 
Facts:  A small business is defined as a business (corporation, limited liability company or proprietorship) with 500 employees or less. According to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), small businesses represent 99.9 percent of all U.S. businesses. Small businesses created 1.9 million jobs in 2015 with some of the smallest firms - those with 20 employees or less - adding over half of the positions with a 1.1 million increase. As of 2018, the SBA estimates there are 30.2 million small businesses employing a total of 58.9 million workers. 
Small businesses contribute to local economies by bringing growth and innovation to the community in which the business is established. Small businesses also help stimulate economic growth by providing employment opportunities to people who may not be employable by larger corporations. Small businesses tend to attract talent who invent new products or implement new solutions for existing ideas. Larger businesses also often benefit from small businesses within the same local community, as many large corporations depend on small businesses for the completion of various business functions through outsourcing.



“When civil liberty are expanded for every groups rights what happen to morality it ends!”

January 17, 2020
“When civil liberty are expanded for every groups rights what happen to morality it Ends!”
Job 14:4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Not one. 
Psalms 19:9 The fear of Yahweh is clean, enduring forever. Yahweh’s ordinances are true, and righteous altogether. 
Proverbs 16:2 All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but Yahweh weighs the motives. 
Ezekiel 22:26 Her priests have done violence to my law, and have profaned my holy things: they have made no distinction between the holy and the common, neither have they caused men to discern between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my Sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. 
Matthew 23:25 “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and unrighteousness.{TR reads “self-indulgence” instead of “unrighteousness”} 
Facts:   However, in embracing the values of tolerance and respect, people often seem to retreat into a kind of “personal morality”.  If we cannot agree of shared values and ways of being in the world, in a pluralistic society, who am I to say what is right?  Who am I to impose my values on you? 
But this leads to what might be called the Great Contradiction of contemporary moral life. On the one hand, we believe in the right of people to pursue their own versions of happiness; on the other hand, the fact that something is freely chosen does not make it good, worthy or right.  If we all have the right to our own personal morality, then “the right to choose freely” easily degenerates into “If it’s freely chosen, then it’s all right.” 
Individual rights are essential for a free society.  However, they are insufficient for a free and moral society.  As free citizens, we need to rethink our commitment to a narrow conception of moral life.  There is more to moral life than our claims to our rights. A moral society cannot sustain itself without in the absence of a quest toward some shared sense of virtue, goodness, caring and so forth.  To become a truly moral society, we must seek to identify, negotiate and coordinate the values and virtues that define how we should act, who we should be, and how we should live.  Facts by Michael Mascolo Ph.D.
Values Matter  Also



To Him Who Is Far Off Peace, Peace!

Isaiah 57:19 I create the fruit of the lips: Peace, peace, to him who is far off and to him who is near, says Yahweh; and I will heal him.  

Can We ever find peace without the truth? Those seeking peace must come to the point of understanding what causes all of us human a lack of peace within ourselves, with others, and above all with God? 

There is no good therapist that can solve a problem unless they brings the person to a point of truth. Now part of that truth is that the person themselves seeks truth and wants real changes in their life. 

Today this concept is all but lost upon a society that is enraged over rights demanding justice right down to a word spoken. There is no peace, there is no peace; the only peace ones seem to find is very short lived in bring someone down and exposing them as evil. 

Isaiah 59:8 The way of peace they don’t know; and there is no justice in their goings: they have made them crooked paths; whoever goes therein does not know peace. 

Today, 72% of unchurch people believes Christian’s our hypocrites, are they, are these people wrong? What is the truth? Well, we must be exceedingly honest here, if a person only has a form of godly devotion and proves false to its power in everything it says doing just the opposite of what Christ is, then that is a clear and present danger an menacing threat to all sincere and honest Christian’s, is it not? 

How many of us have accepted the callous rude attitudes displayed on TV, Social Media, the News, and in entertainment? It has become almost impossible for a Christian’s on the internet engaged in a spiritual discussion reading something that brings value into their lives to even give a thank you a simple encouragement? 

What spirit causes us to be so unkind that we will brag and boast about the most vile films and/or rude comments by a politician’s but cannot even squeak a simple courtesy out for something Christian’s all say they love God’s word? 

Real peace comes from us seeking peace with the person called Truth Christ Jesus in Spirit. How can we have a spirit that is anything but of Christ or God’s and come to peace within ourselves if we can’t even think good of anyone, or thank someone for encouraging us? 

So many feel plagued, and they feel plagued because they are making so many people faceless in being disconnected from everyone due to the internet. Do we understand where the mind goes when we isolate ourselves and make texting more important then real conversations. Where we hate because we can get away with it dealing with faceless dehumanized individual we never meet or care about by our own evil spirit? Then we hypocritically boast of loving God? 

How much effort would you put out if no one every thank you? Why would we treat anyone that way from the store clerk to other providing services too us? 

Are we conforming to the worlds standards as Christian’s that is a honest question, if we love truth in the person of Christ Jesus. Let us remember the one divine truth, let us consider this carefully if we feel we are being plagued? What ever measure we measure out will be measure back to us do we pursue peace in the little things? It is the least that matters how do we honestly treat the least when Christ washed their feet? 

If everything is a scam on the internet and we can’t trust anyone so we feel a “moral obligation” not to even treat them like human then why as Christian’s are we on it searching for encouragement unless we ourselves are equally as selfish? 

Matthew 18:2 Jesus called a little child to himself, and set him in the midst of them. 

Matthew 18:4 Whoever therefore humbles himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Matthew 18:5 Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me.


 -Daniel -



The Lack of Peace in our World

The Lack of Peace in our World


Despite the great efforts of commercialism, entertainment, and government, to convince people things are better then they actually are, which leaves us with a feeling of being robbed of peace in most areas of our lives. 

It hasn’t been many years ago that people could find a measure of peace to refresh and nourishment their souls, minds, and spirit, allowing a few moments to appreciate the important things in life like humans! 

For people to live a false narrative and to judge life by the lies of propaganda through misleading agenda’s, which is, being promoted by those who are profiting in gaining power/control over us, is like a poison effecting the minds and hearts of us all, Thus, causing a real lack of peace in our lives 

This false narrative disconnects us from aligning our hearts and minds in truth, but rather into living an illusion that we know by its fruit is not real.

 The propaganda creates an addiction by the constant bombardment of News, commercialism in an mind numbing endless clever greedy chatter to sell us something of every minute, of ever waking hour of our lives, which products never really works like advertised; overwhelming us with a fears of a victim in a predators world; sheep lead to the slaughter! 

Nothing is really true, and nothing really works the way it was said to, but rather the constant state of hype and over exaggeration promoting the carefree pleasure in perfect happiness, with ease of convenience. 

How can unabated exaggerations left unchecked bring anyone of us peace let alone contentment where we are spoon feed lies until we don’t believe in anyone or anything? 

Moreover, where we start thinking everyone around us including our children are buying into these ridiculous false narrative and we have no power to prevent it from happening? 

People feel victimized, violated if you will, and most of us don’t even know why? We have a robber among us running legally ramped with the blessings of society in general. 

And all of us feel the up coming generation has bought into this illusion hook line and sinker, rather is true or not, because we feel powerless. 

The answer seem to be we all need to check into rehab and go through the painful withdraws of unhooking ourselves from this diabolical scheme to control our lives by the world wide push for power of commercialism orchestrated by the politicians to gain control or every facet of our lives. 

There are a few of us old enough to remember the peace we felt when John Denver sang “Sunshine On My Shoulder”; releasing millions from a mind boggling materialistic generation into the freedom and peace connecting our hearts, mind, and souls to the greatest witness of all God’s beatuful and awe inspiring creation. which fills up our hearts with peace and joy without words of glizzy advertisment but in the power of silence peace we are created from! 

Hopfully, we will sober up and get back to the basic of life before we all decend into complete moral decay.


- Daniel -



Precious Peace 

Peace, a precious gem in a world lacking peace there are many complex forces at work in society today robbing us of peace that is so badly needed to nourishes our soul, mind, and spirit. 

Our hopes are that opinions & Comments posted here will edify with a sincerity of truth on some very serious subjects that are stealing peace from us, and our family and friends.


My The God of All Peace Be With Us,




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