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No Sign-in/All Your Information Anonymous > Is God Partial - Part One

Is God Partial?

Is God Partial, 99.9% of Christian's would say no, “what a foolish question, God is not partial the bible says He is not, so He's not!” But have you noticed how people parrot slogan not even thinking about the question? The question really is one of the most important question we can consider as Christian's, and as an non-believers, is God, a partial God?

If we are honest, looking at the fruit of God, which Christian's would say they are the fruit, as Christian's, than we find there is much partiality among Christian's groups, and within in each groups membership; if fruit speaks as the works that Christ told us; “by their fruit you would know them”; Christian's are very partial people.

We find some that go to war, and some that don't, some believe in the death penalty while other don't, some are hard on criminals, while others are very liberal when it comes to punishment and crime. Actually there is very little different when it come to Christian's judgments, and those they would call the world, or pangs. Where one group goes in its judgments, so goes the other (the world/pangs), blurring lines; making God appear partial, as the Christian's who represent Him.

What does impartiality mean? Not partial, or biases treating or affecting all equally; is a principle of justice holding that decisions should be based on objective criteria, rather than on the basis of bias, prejudice, or preferring the benefit to one person over another for improper reasons.

Understand Human Nature

Human are partial, yes they are. However, most of us would say were not, but we are flawed with partially, which is such a serious problem in humans that we show favoritism in almost everything we do in this life, from judging people differently by, looks, education, wealth, position, nationality, and so on . .

We even judge people differently depending upon their religion they are associated with, our family, workers, and friends, sadly, on all points within our life we struggle being impartial, because it is so unnatural too us not too be partial.

So what have human's done too compensate for this glaring deficiency we all have? They have legislated laws, with little wiggle room, swearing people by their very lives too be impartial judges of these laws. When a judge, fines wiggle room, and they are allowed to incorporate their own feelings into decisions they pervert the law, the judges become activist rather than an upholders of the law, they are sworn to uphold. The human race has mastered laws in all aspect of government, religion, and business, because we are not impartial, so we must be made to be impartial, with the threat of punishment by laws.

Subjective Impartiality

When we consider human impartiality we must consider the whole composite person, from education, class, wealth, races, and so on . . . because we are not impartial, each person is going to judge by their own personal experience in life not unless prevented by laws, if they are associated in religion, government, business, family, and/or society; so human impartiality is very subjective based upon many factors in life.

For an example we would not expect as good mother in a loving family with husband to really be impartial with her judgments about a prostituted, on drugs, living on the street, who has lost her children, the two are incongruous. This does not mean the good mother could not judge the prostitute fairly by law, while sitting on a jury, for her charges of prostitution. Thus, all humans are partial, and even when they are not partial we must be made too be so by laws.

Continued In Part Two Is God Partial (listed on this forum)