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No Sign-in/All Your Information Anonymous > Is God Partial? - Part Two

We Are Told That God is Not Partial

Basic biblical teachings tells us God is not partial in His judgments, but beyond this, few give this much thought. They assume by laws of the bible that YHWH is not partial because they have judged others fairly according to what they have read in their bibles, feeling justified by the scriptures, they have render judgment correctly.

But we find scriptures that cannot be explained away so easily if we are impartial in our judgments, such as:

Matt.7:1 "Don't judge, so that you won't be judged. 7:2 For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured too you.

How can a person judge matters correctly if they are partial, well, it can only be one way, and that is by a law superior too their partiality. In other words, the law itself would have to convict the person of wrong doing, not the judge, the evidence would have to be so well establishes in the wrong doing with witnesses that law stood as a judgment against the person, not the judge rendering the punishment.

Deuteronomy 19:15 One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sins: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall a matter be established.

But still there is room for misjudgment because of emotions, the power of peer pressure, the type of crime, and so on … Although God's people Israel was given the perfect law of Moses there were found throughout the history of the nation to be many perversion of justice, killing God's prophets, and even His own Son Jesus Christ behind the enforcement of God's righteous laws.

Man Not Created to Judge Fellowman

When God created Adam the first man He set before him the subjection of the animals, and the populating of the earth with righteous sons/children of God, but he did not place humans under Adam judgments by law, why? Simply put, YHWH was their judge, under the law of love, all that God had created for Adam and Eve was from His own love. Men and woman would be self-governing having the moral ability to live in love which does not harm ones neighbor.

Adam would not needed to set as judge over God's people unless sin entire into the world. However, as history shows, Adam and Eve did sin, causing corruption, and death to entire into the world, from that point mankind was forced into position of judgment over other human violating laws of the flesh. A law of the flesh is not mysterious it is simply laws that govern fleshly sinful actions, in which, people without sin would not need, they would instead be under a universal perfect law of love a spiritual law obeyed because they love God, and fellowman as themselves.

Once sin entire into our world so did laws of the flesh and judgment, by such laws. Now understanding this, that is, human imperfection causes judgment will help us in understanding God's own impartiality unstained by flawed human reasoning.

Judging a Proof of Sin

Humans have come to believe that being strong in judgments of good and bad is righteous, but instead it only proof of unrighteousness, convicting us of sin. When there is no judgment we are perfect without sin, we than live in freedom of fear of judgment for wrong doing. The problem all human are faced with is, 1.) partiality, and 2.) sin nature.

We have discussed partiality, but not much about sin nature in all humans, sin nature is the environment we all live in, the spirit of the air, so too speak that we breathe, it is what we feel normal in, and are created for. Christian's will object of course saying: “I hate sin, and try hard not to sin, so this statement is false!”

Unfortunate, we are not speaking law here dividing words to justify ones position in hating sin, what we are instead doing is stating a truth, which is:

1 John 1:8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

Yes, all of us are sinners, prove it, we all are dying, thus, we may hate sin as a human, but we are the product of sin nonetheless. Moreover, we feel comfortable in our own skin, which means as a sinners we identify all things by our condition of sin, so we pervert justice naturally, moreover, were not created to be judges over other humans.

Furthermore, sin being in our members, we all must have judgments from sin in our members, that is, if you cut a tree down it has a grain running through every branch of the tree. Subsequently, we as human have a grain, which is sin running through each of us, proving we all have corruption, by the fact we are dying from sin. But what most of us don't understand is the nature of sin in us; causing us to be judgmental of all things in life.

In other words, we cannot stop judging, it is our very nature, we can lie and say we don't judge, but than we would have to say we are not a sinner either, which makes us a liar. So on two accounts we find we cannot properly judge matters, 1.) we are naturally partial, and 2.) we must judge as part of our sinful nature.

God say because this fatal flaw these words: Jer.17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and it is exceedingly corrupt: who can know it?

Jeremiah 10:23 Yahweh, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man who walks to direct his steps.

So we are flawed substantially, yet, we judge, and we deny, and lie about are flawed judgments thinking they are God's impartial judgments because we take them from His word the bible.

But the question is, are we judging for God in this manner, or are we judging because of our sinful nature claiming it God's judgment?

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk