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The Down Fall of Civilization by Social Media

The soulless culture eating itself! The raging fire over gun control ginned up by political news media to legislate more unconstitutional laws is not a gun problem at all, its is, a societal problem that wilfully been ignored for material pleasures.

Generation after generation have been bred, feed, groomed, educated by the morals of social media!

Once a person understands the mindset of why young people are addict to social media it becomes evident why mass shooting are increasing.

What social media is not about is information, it is about soulless perverted entertainment that causes a sick addiction in hearts and minds of its audience.

It feeds and promotes uncontrolled venting of hate at faceless people, devalued to little more than targets in a violent video game!

Social Media is modern day equivalent of Rome arena’s, a legal blood sport for pure evil pleasure. The complete destruction of your opponent by slander and hate, a place where people with mental problems, personality disorders conjoin to vent their sickness publicly with no recourse or consequence for their antisocial disorders.

People are no longer people, they are objects to ridicule, humiliate and destroy for pure unabated narcissism.

We don’t have a gun problem we have self-inflicted parenting problem.

Matthew 10:24 "A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his lord.

We have bred and feed generations into heartless, faceless murders in their hearts and sometimes physically. We have allowed corporate greed to create public areas of immoral hate and we protect them as precious gifts of freedom of speech.

Nonetheless, we don’t want drag queen grooming our child because we can see it, shocking, but the grooming of our children into little more than animal like conduct by social media is cherished as a scared rite of passage into adulthood.

So,the next time we have a mass shooting and we will, and we collectively grasp how morally cowardice it was and from the devil remember the young person heartlessly shoot little children didn’t just magically happen know the truth!

We have plowed the field vigorously, fertilized it, water it, and we now have a flourishing crop of moral cowards that will be filling board rooms, government, police, business, teachers on every level of society. What brought down Rome? Read your history it was heartless bloodletting of soulless society that are making all the mistakes we are now living.

What Our Current Historians Neglect to Tell You

The fall of the Roman Empire is one of the most written about subjects in western civilization. It has been said that there are more then 220 different theories formulated on why the Roman Empire fell, but throughout the centuries no consensus has emerged about what was or were the leading causes of this terrible downfall. In the past, contemporary, or Western historians, spoke about the influences of Moral Decay on this decline, the issue of declining virtue amongst Roman men and leaders. Historians today reject this theory. They will claim semi “scientific” explanations which imply lead poisoning or environmental degradation might be the main cause of this catastrophic event. This is somewhat to be expected. Historians will not dare to deviate from something they cannot prove by archaeology. later

Recently I read an interesting quote on the theory of Moral Decay within Rome: “To discuss it is, implicitly, to discuss our own society and its values or lack of them. It can quickly become a political instead of historical question.” While I was not at all surprised by a member of our intellectual elite trivialising the consequences of Moral Decay, it also struck me as a statement that requires a response. Because learning from and discussing Moral Decay in this context is inherently a political question, and this is a good thing. We should learn from history so we are not doomed to repeat the mistakes of our ancestors. We need to study the depravity, corruption, decadence and lack of virtue of the Roman Empire to ensure we do not fall in the same traps. This article isn’t about analysis of the trace amount of lead left in Roman skeletons. It is about what some conservative historians and contemporary writers knew about what probably caused institutional rot within the Empire.

Lessons from Rome; Moral Decay and Corruption - Defend Europa
Defend Europa is a volunteer-run organisation and we are located all over Europe. We are a Euro-centric news and opinion website, dedicated to bringing you uncensored news and discussion on all things European.

June 17, 2022 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk