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No Sign-in/All Your Information Anonymous > Never Admitting Wrong?

Computers never admit their wrong they just show an error there is no accountability for a computer like it or lump it!

Computers are programmed, agendas are programmed, politics are programmed, religion is programmed, society is programmed by all the things that have been programmed.

Does a computer learn by its mistakes? No! they're programmed, do they have a conscience? No, their programmed, does a computer reach a level of corruption and suddenly see the light? No! their programmed.

America is programmed and it easy to fool the program its showing error, but the fools want a new computer so they don't have take personal responsibility. Founding fathers said destroy the computer, free the people by a new government someone has to be responsible!

October 14, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk