Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > How meaningless words become when given to parrots and aggravating they are ground into our ears by mindlessly fools to edify maggot-infested bird brains.
How meaningless words become when given to parrots and aggravating they are ground into our ears by mindlessly fools to edify maggot-infested bird brains.
Don’t we just hate thieves? They take things of excellent value and degraded them into meaningless piles of dung so they do not have to work or suffer to get them.
Fools are easily satisfied by their own wisdom and the sound of their voice, flattering a fool makes them a bigger fool!
“Don’t Quit” the new parroted words! Is facing the truth quitting; is it giving up, or converse, courageous of excellent value?
We are conquered by not facing the truth; we misled ourselves by not facing the truth. Truth is proven by a test of fire producing positive results; the truth is not a safety zone.
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How meaningless words become when given to parrots and aggravating they are ground into our ears by mindlessly fools to edify maggot-infested bird brains.
Don’t we just hate thieves? They take things of excellent value and degraded them into meaningless piles of dung so they do not have to work or suffer to get them.
Fools are easily satisfied by their own wisdom and the sound of their voice, flattering a fool makes them a bigger fool!
“Don’t Quit” the new parroted words! Is facing the truth quitting; is it giving up, or converse, courageous of excellent value?
We are conquered by not facing the truth; we misled ourselves by not facing the truth. Truth is proven by a test of fire producing positive results; the truth is not a safety zone.