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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > What is popular in a country so goes the country! What is an narcissistic country? It is a county that cannot delay gratification. In other words, we all know the famous scene where a powerful army parties all night, sleeping in drunk and its attacked

What is popular in a country so goes the country! What is an narcissistic country? It is a county that cannot delay gratification. In other words, we all know the famous scene where a powerful army parties all night, sleeping in drunk and its attacked early in the morning by a smaller army and is defeated.

Delaying gratification is like this. It hard at first not giving into the addiction but later the positive rewards come for a life time. Giving into the addiction feels good at first but later the problems start, and ruins our lives.

Our country defines those delaying gratification as evil, anti-patriotic, and those demanding instant gratification as hero's and patriotic; so goes the country.

Virtue gone, Satanic evil rules, narcissism is a god!

May 3, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk