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Proverbs Inspirational Quotes > Who created the first debt for humans? Satan the Devil indebted the first couple into a debt that could not be paid back only God could pay their debt in the forgiveness of sin by the precious life of his Son Jesus Christ. Satan enslaved all of us into

Who created the first debt for humans? Satan the Devil indebted the first couple into a debt that could not be paid back only God could pay their debt in the forgiveness of sin by the precious life of his Son Jesus Christ.

Satan enslaved all of us into the debt of sin blinding the human race in the pursuit of materialism to pay off the fear of death from sin.

That is why the richest among us are idolized as if they are eternal stars in heaven gifted with godly wisdom by their showy display of many material things.

Yet, the evil culprit hides behind the big lie materialism pays the debt of sin while the cemetery fill up with his victims of unpaid debt for sin that God freely pay off for them in their humble acceptance of his Son's life.

July 23, 2023 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk