These articles have been posted on jwsstraighttalk now placed into PDF for study and research purposes we hope you enjoy?
A fresher perspective on God's judgment upon His Household and the nations: completed on 07-18-2013
A perplexing question for honest hearted Christian's are we good enough? Get the surprising answer to an unexpected conclusion of an age old feeling of unworthiness. Completed March of 2012
Can we put away the filth of our flesh, its thoughts, its sins? Many Christian's commonly believe by obeying commandments of their bibles they can, find the truth of this important subject. Completed on July 24, 2012
A stunning article proving beyond doubt Christian's are not under the law. Competed on February 20, 2012
Perhaps, there has never been a more overstated, and abused word among Christian's as the word Apostasy. Jesus Christ, and his disciples were considered apostates from the Jewish faith. May 19, 2013
The man of Lawlessness is one of the greatest mystery of the bible, for thousands of years one religion after another have made various predictions about this mysterious person of lawlessness, that is, the one who is to appear in the end times. March 2012
What is a weed Christian? The name weed Christian's is not a compliment, it is rather people that claim to be of Christ Jesus, but are found false too him. Dec 25, 2012
Is there only a heavenly hope? Is there going to be a New Earth as well, find out here. Completed on June 5, 2013
Who are in the New Covenant important question for those under God's Kingdom. Completed on June 18, 2013
Is guilt redeeming? Is the feeling of being guilty about our lives the
Some fifty thousand divisions of Christian's religions exist in today's
Foreknowledge has been a troubling subject for Christian's and non-
So many legal-Christian's are ignorant as to what partiality of keeping the law means? They believe that if they keep some commandments such as not lying, committing adultery, and so on they are not partial when keeping the law or the commandment(s).
Why breaking the flesh? What does this have to do with being a
We have all heard this old statement. In other words, let put thing
Where does sin power come from? Many would say from Adam passing it on too us, where we are born into sin, but that was not the question? The question is where does sins power come from, not that we have it, what gives sin its power over us?
So often as Christian's we repeat words that seem to have little or no meaning in our daily lives, these words have become religious thoughts, such as the word justification. However, justification should stand out in stark contrast in a Christian'
Never has a word been so over used, under estimated, abused, and changed in meaning than the word truth in the human race. For human there is an obsession in seeking truth.
What if someone was to tell you that you and me are born of sin,
What is the perfect law of freedom, it is love, nothing more, or less, it is the summation of God's love for us. But did you know as a Christian's that if we could love like God we would be perfect and without sin?
All of us have a concept of sin, i.e., a belief of what sin is? But there is one thing most of can agree on, there is plenty of evil in our world. If a person wants to call it sin, or by another name, people as a whole seem to be as selfish as any gene
The Law of love was lost for mankind when Adam and Eve sinned against YHWH in the garden of Eden. Hence, from this point forward, mankind born of Adam as the father of the entire human race were born into a world where laws of the flesh are needed to con
The word covenant has fallen in to erroneous understanding in today's modern world. Many associate covenants with the occult because entertainment, or some self-righteous religious thought founded in Christianity. But God has dealt with his people from
Are we as Christian's to be constantly repenting for not meeting the commandments of God? This is a simple but profound question each of us must face at some point in our relationship with God. Many would not consider their walk with God . . .
Can a person judge without condemning themselves, is Paul's words here a lie? This is a very powerful thought, but yet, few if any Christian's takes it very seriously, but why? Well, its simple, they read the rest of this verse thinking if they uses God's
Justified by faith we have peace with God through Christ Jesus, such talk is powerful legal requirements of contractual law. To be justified, one must have the law vindicate us, to have peace with God one cannot be at odds with God, and his laws. So wha
Can a person judge without condemning themselves, is Paul's words here a lie? This is a very powerful thought, but yet, few if any Christian's takes it very seriously, but why? Well, its simple, they read the rest of this verse thinking if they uses God
Many Christian's teach and believe that they can put the works of their flesh to death by laws of their bible. But is this true? Well, first let us understand, God enacted a very powerful righteous law over his people Israel, they were under this law for
Why talk about the subject of speculation among Christian's? Speculation is wide spread among Christians since Christ was upon earth, many have speculated time and again about Christ coming, only to have such speculation fail.
Many today voice publicly their destine for the apo stle Paul, and his writings. They refused to acknowledge Paul as an a postle of Christ openly rejecting his writings. The question is why does the apostle Paul causes such hate in those claiming to. . .
What value, merit, or worth does YHWH place on “sin ”? Does our God value sin, at all? Does he think there is some value in sin? Does He think a little sin is important to us as humans?
Is there a bill of rights for Christian's, that is, can you go to your bible and find a bill Christ wrote up or talked abo ut that all Christian's can demand certain rights from God and other Christian's?
We may wonder at times, has peace been taken away from our earth? Strife, and discontentment are the order of the day, people seem so full of hate for each others, for self, gov ernment, religion, and even business, what is fueling all this tribulation?
Why would the apostle Paul use the word “Lawfully” regarding God's law? Was the law given to Moses through God's finger unlawful, that is, against God's righteousness? Why speak of lawful, and unlawful when dealing with a good, and righteous law . . .
In a world where a person no longer understand headship Paul's Holy Spirit lead comments above are meaningless to most. Where men and woman are considered within society as having the same authority equal in power and decision making, being released by d
Why did the apostle Paul speak like this? Two thousand's year later most of us focus are attention on the word sin to the exclusion of the whole issue of the time. Sin, the word that religion pounds on like a law book fearing people will uses grace as e
Have you every had this experience you were reading something out God's word the bible, and it changed your entire way of thinking? But what is shocking you thought you had it down, correct that there was no other explanation! Its a stunning experience pa
A Judge passes judgment upon a person while at the same time they practice the very crime they judge others for. A Christian's passes judgment upon another Christian's while they are practicing the same sins, or worst. A world leader bring judgment upon a
God gave Israel manna in the wilderness, for those having faith in YHWH there can be no doubt about it, manna was mira culous, a miracle from God.
How could Christ voice not be heard in the streets? Everyone in Jerusalem was speaking about Christ, his works, and his words? How could his voice not be heard in the streets if the bible is truth? Christ was not hiding in the dark from the publicly, h
Seeking God! Each person on this earth has a choice to seek God, or not to seek him? But let us not be fooled there is a middle ground, in seeking, between the light and darkness where one can compromised in two worlds, wanting both, but losing their s
We humans believe it is a noble thing for us to hid our true feelings, we are taught from birth this practice so we don't hurt someones feelings or undue our own life, costing us work, mates, friend, and children. But what happens, when we practice hidin
Can a person, without God's Spirit separate the evil flesh from the Spirit, not a trick question? Each day throughout this world judges of all kinds make judgments regarding a person flesh, they simply look at the law on record, and uphold it, which judg
So just what is a work of law? We so often here th e words work of law being tossed about by Christian's when pointing their finger at others, or a religion, yet, out of the same mouth t he person will list a whole series of good works they have done to
Was Adam, that is, mankind created to judge? Not a trick question, but it is a profound one, particularly if we have been raised in a judgmental religion.
If one eats bread it digest into food for the flesh, does it not? Life depends upon food to feed our fleshly bodies, but what of the spirit? Herein, is where the flesh complicates all its ways, it mixes the spirit/life from our flesh into the Spirit/
Why would the apostle Paul use the word “Lawfully” regarding God's law? Was the law given to Moses through God's finger unlawful? That is, against God's righteousness. i.e., lawfulness? Why speak of lawfulness, and unlawful when speaking of a good, an
Was the nation of Israel the light of the world? Good question is it not? Israel for thousand's of years was God's people, God acted mightily in Israel, the very glory of God was found in its temple, its kings, priest, and prophets, but was Israel the l
Are those not beautiful and comforting words? How wonderful it is to know that the Lord Christ Jesus is not far off from us, if we seek him. But for so many they never seem to find him, he seems very far off to them, so is God lying to us?
The idea of being chastens, and scourged is a very violent concept, why would God be so harsh on his own children? There must be a very serious defect in all of us in order for God to take such drastic measure?
So often when we read a verse from our bibles and automatically related it to a thought of our religious training, and/or another scriptures, satisfied we have an understanding of its meaning, such as the one here written above by the apostle Paul talk
Faith is a mystery to this world, it is seen in the pride of our flesh when boasting in something God must do for us because we have faith as though its a competition with other to be better in faith than their faith. 1 Timothy 3:9 holding the mystery
Matt.7:1 "Don't judge, so that you won't be judged. 7:2 For with whatever judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you. Rom.7:18 For I know that in me, that is, in my flesh, dwells no good
Seeking first the kingdom! For two thousand's years Christian's have been admonished by leaders of their religions when life problems occur for them to end those problems that all humans experience in being anxious, to seek first the kingdom which is, so
Lawlessness, what is lawless to God/YHWH? Well, what is going to be said will shock you! You will never hear this information from any religion, or anyone that has taught the bible from a religion. Yet, every word of this discussion will come directly
Do we believe? Then let us at least speak truth! Was Christ a victim, seeking entitlement, or was he the truth? So, if we believe God is one then let us speak truth? Well, we know the demons believed, but do they speak truth?
1Cor.3:21 Therefore let no one boast in men. For all things are yours, 3:22 whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas, or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come. All are yours, 3:23 and you are Christ's, and Christ is God's.
The human race has sought oneness since the first man on earth destroyed oneness with his sin against God. Since then there has never been oneness found in mankind's, governments, religions, or commerce. Without oneness of purposes, motive, word, and ac
Why does those born according to the flesh persecute those born of the Spirit? Can we honestly explain why that is as a Christian's? Not many religions today teach that truth found from the start of our bibles into the very last pages of the bible, but
That is a powerful question is it not? There are so many unspoken voices found in depression and anxiety now day's that "feel" God hates them. Moreover, there are many professing Christian's that feel the same way, although, they may not openly admit it,
Perfect truth that is some concept is it not? When they sent men into outer space it was said that all depended upon the truth of mathematics; they could project the orbits speed of our earth by mathematical calculation, and how far it was to the moon, a
Lets pose a simple foundational truth of our bibles. God is love! Is that true? If God is love, and that is our truth as Christian's then how indeed can we know God from anything less than love?
What is the power of the lie? Well, your looking at it, our flesh. Yes we can blame an external object or two, the Devil, the wicked spirit forces, or we can believe that all men are liars because all are conceived in sin from the first lie!
Have we repented? Have we came to Christ and ask God for forgiveness of our sins? Repentance; the power of repentance has been used for thousand's of years by false religion to enforce the authority of the church over its members.
There has been a push from the founding of the Jehovah's witnesses organization (WTS) to reform it by dissenters, covertly, and/or overtly through existing members and/or ex-members. Today due to online media we have an open public push by many to reform
We as human live in societies that are created by laws, laws are the fabric of every society, much like drag nets that gather up good and bad fish without the nets of laws there would be no commerce, cities, schools, governments or the orderly function of
There has been so much unrighteous abuse through religious entitlement just about as much as anything on earth. Christ made it clear that those coming after him, he being the last prophet, Christ, God's finished work;
Humans have always been fascinated by mysteries there nothing hardly more intriguing then a great mystery. It is grand and wonderful thing to unlock a mystery seldom is there anything more satisfying.
To be sanctify means to be set apart. Here is the origin of word it was taken from: Origin of sanctify 1350–1400; < Late Latin sānctificāre (see Sanctus, -ify); replacing Middle English seintefien < Old French saintifier < Latin, as above The origin o
Were you aware that the word apostasy is not found in your bible the Greek word actually used for apostasy is “falling away, to forsake”?
Can we obey God if we don't love him? That is the ultimate question found in our bible from front to back? Yes, it is, if Adam had loved God more than Eve, he would not have sinned. He would have obeyed God first because he loved his Father YHWH more t
Making a teaching of the bible a dogma/doctrine does not make it the truth. That being said, let us ask what is truth according God's word the bible? The bible tells us as Christian's it is the “Christ”, and if that is true we are forced to take a hard
What is stewardship? Well, it depends upon the education we have, or perhaps our religion, who we have associated with, stewardship is determined by our education what is a good/bad steward according to merit based works of being a steward.
Revelation 19:13 He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood. His name is called "The Word of God." The power of the written word, so very powerful, it has built generation after generation of law and order, institutions of higher learning, started
If we were ask what is the apex of God's love, the greatest expression of God's love what would we answer? Well, before we answer that question, let us recall that God defines Himself as love, he does not define himself by knowledge, power, a healer, a
What is a gift? Is a gift a gift if it is earned? Is a gift given because we are deserving of it, and if so, does that mean we must earn the gift? How does one approach the subjects of gifts it certainly is controversial subject simple because there ar
Isaiah 21:14 They brought water to him who was thirsty. The inhabitants of the land of Tema met the fugitives with their bread. It wasn't long ago we experienced a massive hurricane that devastated parts of the Gulf Coast. I remember having to pack-up
Why would a person demand unconditional love from a person as a Christian right when they themselves cannot give unconditional love? How could a person be so twisted in their thinking that they demand to have perfect love from imperfect people, when t
This is not a subject most of us want to talk about, let alone the mainstream religions of our world, but why? It certainly is a bible truth one that God and Son are not afraid to address, so why should those loving the truth reject the thought of demons
I would like us to imagine for an moment a faithful person each day going to the temple of God in Jerusalem there they worshiped God fervently, but what makes this person so special is they are never missing; they are at the temple daily their entire life
The unscrupulous uses of this proverb above regarding isolation by religion to ensnare the dim-witted and ignorant is pathic. It is truly sad when those wheeling the power of God's word the bible put forth so little intellectual effort that they ensnare
What is value? Value is the amount a thing is worth to us and others, sometime it can be priceless, but not even practical. Other times it can be very practical an necessity of life and be very cheap! Everything in our world has a value placed on it,
Why would the apostle Paul use the word “Lawfully” regarding God's law? Was the law given to Moses through God's finger unlawful? That is, against God's righteousness. i.e., lawlessness? Why speak of lawfulness, and unlawful when speaking of a good,
1 Peter 4:17 For the time has come for judgment to begin with the household of God. If it begins first with us, what will happen to those who don't obey the Good News of God? There are many levels of judgment for us human in this life, we have judgments
Our lives on this earth are about our works; we are defined in this world by the works that we do. The power of that statement should not be underestimated. The works we do can be good or bad, they can help humanity or destroy humanity.
Jeremiah 10:24 Yahweh, correct me, but in measure: not in your anger, lest you bring me to nothing. We find ourselves lost in a desert in all direction there is nothingness. Which ever way we go it is death, we have no clue what to do, we have no direct
What comes to our minds when we think of a time of humiliation? Well, for must of us that have experienced a humiliation or two in our life, its not a fun time, it is a time that take away our dignity, our respect, our reputation, and it is one of the mo
Only one is good, the one that created all things from his image of love; YHWH is the only one bring forth the fruit of life. In our world which seems void of good, and love, the idea that man is good becomes almost impossible for us human to believe tha
Have you noted how quick some people are to jump to judgments with so little facts now days? It is actually very frightening at times but it is now common place, its no longer rare and unheard of as it has been throughout the history of mankind. It has
There are many levels of judgment for us human in this life, we have judgments for age groups, religious people, high ranking people, professional people, the poor, the rich, and so on . . .