Gal.3:3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now completed in the flesh?
The two don't mix Spirit and the flesh, the flesh is control by Law and the Spirit is control by love, water and oil do not mix, nor does a spring bubble forth sweet water and bitter water at the same-time, and yet this is what the Galatians where teaching.
Does the Spirit and flesh mixes? Does the Spirit love the flesh? Is the flesh of any value too the Spirit? How could one have the Spirit of God love written into their heart with his own Son Christ Jesus and than worship the letters of the Old Law written on stone? How could one not know that Christ Jesus fulfilled and removed the Old Law in his righteousness and God Himself gave his own honor and glory to Christ Jesus, and yet claim to be a worshiper of God? This is the power of flesh to justify itself at all cost, even to void the very glory of God, in Christ Jesus.
The sinful flesh seeks glory in building kingdoms for itself upon earth a lasting name among those left behind. But God does not share His glory, He is a jealous God. The sinful flesh can steal God's glory in the name of religion and Old Law to build it lasting kingdoms, but those in Christ Jesus live and are created for God's glory in Christ Jesus. Their kingdom is in Christ Jesus, they are part of his body for God's glory they received that position by God's Holy Spirit not the Old Law. They should at least give the glory to God in Christ Jesus.
But the Galatians were foolish they started in Christ Jesus by Holy Spirit now once in Christ Jesus they wanted to be governed by the Old Law not love, why? Love is weak in the eyes of the flesh it does not support worldly power, it does not control lives, it does not take and steal God's glory, it serves others and endures persecution, and allows itself to be wronged. It looks foolish to the world!
The Galatians wanted both like selfish children demanding their own way, but looking foolish as adults, they wanted the world and Christ Jesus by the excuse of the Old Laws righteousness, they did not want to serve others, they wanted a justification for not giving or helping others through the judgments of their group. They wanted to look righteousness and accepted by Christ Jesus without the works of enduring in love, they wanted false Christianity more than God's glory, they wanted acceptances, by trickery of teachings, claiming God's righteousness, and power through control of the Old Law. They were deceived, and liked just fine.
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Gal.3:3 Are you so foolish? Having begun in the Spirit, are you now completed in the flesh?
The two don't mix Spirit and the flesh, the flesh is control by Law and the Spirit is control by love, water and oil do not mix, nor does a spring bubble forth sweet water and bitter water at the same-time, and yet this is what the Galatians where teaching.
Does the Spirit and flesh mixes? Does the Spirit love the flesh? Is the flesh of any value too the Spirit? How could one have the Spirit of God love written into their heart with his own Son Christ Jesus and than worship the letters of the Old Law written on stone? How could one not know that Christ Jesus fulfilled and removed the Old Law in his righteousness and God Himself gave his own honor and glory to Christ Jesus, and yet claim to be a worshiper of God? This is the power of flesh to justify itself at all cost, even to void the very glory of God, in Christ Jesus.
The sinful flesh seeks glory in building kingdoms for itself upon earth a lasting name among those left behind. But God does not share His glory, He is a jealous God. The sinful flesh can steal God's glory in the name of religion and Old Law to build it lasting kingdoms, but those in Christ Jesus live and are created for God's glory in Christ Jesus. Their kingdom is in Christ Jesus, they are part of his body for God's glory they received that position by God's Holy Spirit not the Old Law. They should at least give the glory to God in Christ Jesus.
But the Galatians were foolish they started in Christ Jesus by Holy Spirit now once in Christ Jesus they wanted to be governed by the Old Law not love, why? Love is weak in the eyes of the flesh it does not support worldly power, it does not control lives, it does not take and steal God's glory, it serves others and endures persecution, and allows itself to be wronged. It looks foolish to the world!
The Galatians wanted both like selfish children demanding their own way, but looking foolish as adults, they wanted the world and Christ Jesus by the excuse of the Old Laws righteousness, they did not want to serve others, they wanted a justification for not giving or helping others through the judgments of their group. They wanted to look righteousness and accepted by Christ Jesus without the works of enduring in love, they wanted false Christianity more than God's glory, they wanted acceptances, by trickery of teachings, claiming God's righteousness, and power through control of the Old Law. They were deceived, and liked just fine.