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Daily Bible Thought > Roman's Chapter Seven Verse 12

Rom.7:12 Therefore the law indeed is holy, and the commandment holy, and righteous, and good.

The Law of God is indeed holy, righteous and good, it is from the source of holiness, righteousness, and goodness, God. Judging Law by law does not help a Christian understand God’s love, that is, law makes ever object good or bad, thus, judging law by law, which is the laws removal was done by law instead of love one must think that it was evil. Paul here is breaking up that thinking pattern in stating that the Law is good.

When we judge by law we must assume that if God did away with Law something must have been wrong with it, or evil with the it. But not at all! The Law as stated was perfect as the creator of the Law, but we are imperfect and cannot meet the requirements’ of the Law, thus, the Law being perfect points out our sins.

God cannot remove that which is perfect and is not removable; heaven and earth can be removed, but not the very Law that sustain life in both heavens and earth. So God in His great love for us, sent us His love, how? By fulfilling the Law individually in our case. He substituted His Son’s righteousness for our unrighteousness according to the Law.

He substituted His Son’s sinlessness for our sins. God removed our judgment by His perfect Law, in substituting His Son’s life for our life, which is deserving of death. This process is called grace, or the undeserved kindness of God, may we continual to walk in this