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Daily Bible Thought > 1John 2:4 Keeping Commandments

1John 2:4 One who says, "I know him," and doesn't keep his commandments, is a liar, and the truth isn't in him.

Here the apostle John seems to contradict what Paul wrote, in saying we must keep the commandment(s), where Paul states Christ Jesus completed them is John saying the commandment(s) of the Old Law of Moses are not completed in the life and death of Christ Jesus, a fair question, or is he rather saying Christ commandment(s); that he taught his disciples while walking the earth?

First, the apostle is talking about Jesus Christ in his letter, being in Christ Jesus as the light, Jesus himself speaks often in the gospel of John about keeping “his commandment(s)”, so which is it? Both actually.

Christ Jesus did not speak against the righteous Law of God, he rather fulfilled its requirements setting it aside for a better superior law of love, or the Royal law of freedom. In others words, his words as God's truth upheld the Law of Moses. But they also exceeded the righteousness of the Pharisee's, which was keeping and teaching the Law of Moses, by adding love and mercy to God's commandment(s) spoken to his disciples.

John 14:15 If you love me, keep my commandments.

John 14:21 One who has my commandments, and keeps them, that person is one who loves me. One who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him, and will reveal myself to him."

John 15:10 If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and remain in his love.

But can a person keep the Commandments of God, or of Christ Jesus a higher standard of loving our enemy without breaking one of them subsequently, violating all of them?

Simply stated no! So how can we keep something that is humanly impossible for us to keep, what does this mean, it mean if you have ever looked at the opposite sex with lust you have committed adultery, a crime punishable by death under the Law of Moses!

So than all human's are liars according to John's words here, because we all sin and fail short of the glory of God, correct? So the truth is not in us, and that is the truth, if we sin, and we cannot stop sinning according to the apostle John letter; so why is John trying too confuse us? He is not, rather he is stating a truth that only those indwell with Holy Spirit can understand, hence, hiding the truth from apostates weed-Christian's spring up everywhere, over sowing the true field of wheat.

What is that truth? Christ Jesus is the finish work of God, for us, it is his righteous life, which is life and truth, when we are “in Christ Jesus” that is, graft into the body of Christ Jesus we receive the life of the tree, Christ Jesus, and what does that mean?

Simply put, Christ is sinless, he completed the Law of Moses, and the laws of our flesh, in his perfect sinless body while upon earth. That life bought us back from under Adam sin. It also completed the Old Law of Moses, fulfilling it, and moreover, completing any other laws of mankind governing their sinful flesh.

Subsequently, when God deals with us as sinners, he see the life of Christ Jesus, and not our own, hence if we are in Christ Jesus we have no sin, we are in the truth, which Jesus Christ is the truth of God. Moreover, we are in the light, without corruption from sin, because God see the righteous life of Christ Jesus in his body members and not our unrighteous darkness. Subsequently, Christ Jesus completed the commandment(s) of God so they are completed for us long ago if we stay in the body of Christ Jesus, we have no sin of judgments, by any of God's commandments.

Hence we are in freedom of love, the Royal law under the new covenant. This is the truth hidden in Christ Jesus, and blinding apostate Christian's, who are trying to keep the commandment(s) of God by self-righteousness, from self-will, still under death of Adam sin, not in Christ Jesus.