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Daily Bible Thought > Matt. 5:8 - Blessed Pure of Heart?

Matt. 5:8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.

How can a person be pure of heart when all human sin and lie? It is by faith, faith in what the law of the Scribes, and Pharisee's or the Son of God, and why the Son of God over the commandments of God? Because God's commandments show us not to be pure in heart, but how?

Simply put, the commandments do not make us pure in heart, the prove we cannot be pure in heart not having sin, correct? It is the blood of Christ Jesus that sets us right for breaking the commandments of God, in not obeying the commandments of God. We are either a lover of truth, or a liar, if we love truth than we confess Jesus Christ not the commandments of God. We must confess Jesus Christ because we have sin against the commandments of God. It is not our desire of wanting to obey God's commandments because we love Him that makes us pure of heart, no!

It is our faith in Christ Jesus, which make us right by remission of our sins in breaking the commandments of God. No person does not sin, no person can be pure of heart, and see God without the precious blood of Christ Jesus, so that God can legally pass-over our sins.

Yes, blessed are those that confess their sins in Jesus Christ because they love the truth, and will see God, for they have pure hearts made clean by the righteousness of Christ Jesus own life. They are not unrighteous believing they are pure of heart on their own, they are not teaching one can be made righteous by obeying the commandments, no they speak the truth that Christ fulfilled the laws of the flesh for them creating a pure worship of Spirit and truth through the New Covenant by the law of love. It is love that is pure, not our hearts, we have been filled with the love of God by being in Christ Jesus the heart of truth which is pure for the body of Christ Jesus.

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