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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.5:38,39 - Eye For an Eye?

Matt.5:38 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.'{Exodus 21:24; Leviticus 24:20; Deuteronomy 19:21}
5:39 But I tell you, don't resist him who is evil; but whoever strikes you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Many Christian's wonder why did Christ Jesus suddenly change what was in God righteous law about an eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth, a fair standard of justice is it not? Yes, it is a fair standard of justice, in fact, it is God's own standard of justice, so why did Christ say not too pay back? Well, it is the simplest of Christian's teachings, it is because God did not return evil for evil in sending His Son to died for our sins.

In other words, the laws say we are sinners, we cannot not be a sinner by any mean being born of Adam into the human race. Thus, we are convicted and sentenced to death from our birth. But in sending Christ Jesus we are no longer sinner in God's eyes, why? Because Christ Jesus substituted Christ righteous life for ours. How could a Christian than pay back evil for evil with the law that pays back death to us has been forgiven us?

This basic teaching is fundamental to Christianity, we must forgive if we have accept the unmerited kindness of God in sending His Son in forgiving us ours sin, but not only that,. but giving us his life. Yes, how? We have received the life of Christ Jesus giving us a new personality a regenerated life so we can understand the law of love. If we have that life in us it will promote forgiveness in good fruits , we will let ourselves be wronged not to prove we are righteous, but rather Christ Jesus is righteous and he gives us his mind and faith to overcome the evil one with good, what good. Law promotes evil, yes, it is for the wicked and not the righteous, it points up sin and unrighteousness in us. So we return good, what good, the law of love, by letting ourselves be wronged.

We do not pay back evil for evil, that is, law for law, a tooth for a tooth and eye for an eye. Saying I will measure back blow for blow, no! That is not the life of Christ we profess of having in us, now is it?

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